Swollen foot??


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi guys I've had a random painful big toe lol thought it might e an ingrown toenail or something only about 3 days but jut compared my feet and that foot looks swollen!! Plus getting pins and needles too in it and can't bend my toes aswell as I normally do!! :(
Anyone have any advice :( also has what I think r bumps and stuff although I have them on the other foot they r swollen around the heals and sides :( any advise would be appreciated :( hoping it's just part of the pregnancy!!
u need to show midwife etc, my friend had same thing around the same dates as u and she had to stay in hospital ova night x
Wss ^^^^ swollen hands and feet can be an indicator of other things going on so you need to tell your mw.
Really? I'm soaking them in cool water and just took my feet out to look and feet look White patchy! Hmm dunno what to do! I don't see my midwife for another week and a half! I saw doc yest but dent think much of it until I looked today!! It's not like badly swollen but def not as it usually should be x
when a have foned up about stuff being wrong thats things mw have asked if a had or they would be concerned so think u should get checked out x
I think it's worth phoning and explaining it to mw they will then decide if it needs to be checked or reassure you if it's nothing. Sorry didn't mean to worry you with the other post :)
I've had swollen feet for the past week! When I saw MW today I asked her to have a look as I know its common to have swelling in pregnancy but don't know when the swelling is normal or not! She said normally if you have raised BP and protein (I think) in urine then it could be a sign of pre-eclampsia, luckily BP and urine was fine so she just told me to make sure I get my feet up and rest them during the day... If your worried then just ring MW see what she has to say! Xx
No it's ok :) thanks for replies!! Well I've soaked in water! I've got a really painful what I think is an ingrown big toe nail but I think it's cause my feet have swollen a bit! So I've put good old sudocream on it and covered with a plaster and now got my feet up hoping pins and needles go away and the throbbing in my toe stops!! Can't believe I get this 3 and a half weeks before he is due lol!! Xx
would defo speak to mw about it hun. just to make sure. xxx
ouch i had them on both big toes not when pregnant tho had to get them done needle in toe to numb the cut half toe nail off :(. i would still check with midwife tho hun x

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