having one of those days... fooking GP's


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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what good is a GP if they can't do anything for you... i'm fed up, depressed and in tears... sorry but i feel a big moan coming on...

called my GP to see if he would call the hospital on my behalf and tell them how desperate i am.. as i can't get anywhere with them. I wanted him to ask if i could go in tomorrow to be induced instead my just a sweep. Thought maybe they would listen to him. But he wont do it.... I ended up getting upset and screamed if i was a fooking footballers wife with a big donation for the hospital then they'd think twice... they'll induce a footballers wife so she can make the team portugal trip.... and still have time to get her fake bake done! i'm getting depressed... my feet are swollen. I'm so fed up being stuck in the house and my hands are still killing me (which have been sore since the begining of this pregnancy - pins n needles - now i can't bend my fingers without them getting stuck and me having to crack them open)

I'm so fed up of people ringing me to find out if this baby is here yet.. fed up of silly jokes... heard them all 10 time over now! :cry:

If i didn' come on here i'd be bald by now! with pulling my hair out.. this wait is worse than having your toe nails pulled - not that i know what thats like...

I'm changing GP's - fook him....

Sorry for the moan :cry:
Aw Hayley, i'm really sorry your feeling that way hun, but hopefully (fingers & everything else crossed) that it won't be too much longer before LO is FINALLY here! Big massive hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun i am so sorry you are feeling so down. I know how you are feeling,my second baby was 12 days late and she ended up coming the day before i was due to be induced :roll: . Lets hope this sweep gets things going tomorrow,when i had my sweep they gave me a date for induction just incase things didn't happen,lets hope they at least do this so you will then have an end in sight :hug: xx
thanks for cheering me up a bit... might get in the car and go for a little drive! everyone i know works so i'm a billy no mates at the moment... i'm begining to know everyone in asda and sainsburys by their first names..

nikki your aviator has had a make over - like the new outfit... wasn't your hair in a ponytail? looks nice down.. :rotfl:
Awww Hayley :( Maybe the midwife who's doing the sweep tomorrow can get things arranged for you babes. Can't imagine what it's like to go so overdue :( :hug:
hayley said:
thanks for cheering me up a bit... might get in the car and go for a little drive! everyone i know works so i'm a billy no mates at the moment... i'm begining to know everyone in asda and sainsburys by their first names..

nikki your aviator has had a make over - like the new outfit... wasn't your hair in a ponytail? looks nice down.. :rotfl:

Yes hun i thought i would get my hair done,buy some new clothes and get out of the laundry room :lol:. Go and get some reflexology done hun it will cheer you up and they can do something to help start labour. Was just browsing the web and found lots of stories where labour started within a day of them having it done,one person started that night :shock: ,it will relax you if nothing else :hug: xx
done the reflexology... :cry: didn't work for me... there's not much i haven't done..

just been to have my nails done french... and bought some nice boots.. can't open them wide enough to try them like but they should fit once i get my ankles back....

i like the new look.. hair suits you.
Cheers hun,think i will get my nails done,can't beat it :D.This time next week you will have had your baby,just before budge goes on holiday xx
Sorry you are still playing the waiting game Hayley, hope tomorrows midwife appointment moves things along, try bribing her with sweets/chocolate to see if she can pull in some favours!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Aww, I wish I lived nearer so we could meet for a coffee hun, and I could give you a real hug not a smily one - sounds like you need one. You sound so fed up. As I've said before, I know exactly what this feels like as I went 19 days over with Kayleigh. I think I found the repeated comments and questions from people the worse. Yes I am still fooking here, and no this baby hasn't fooking arrived yet. Does it look like it has???!!! :twisted:

Remember how fed up you were about 6 weeks ago? Your due date seemed ages away then. Why don't you try counting down in little milestones, like hours instead of days?? It's only x hours until bed, then x hours till morning, then x hours till the sweep, then x hours till the induction. That may help??
Hun I know how you feel I went 14 days over with my son and I was in pieces for about a week and half past my due date. I didn't want to be near anyone, I didn't want anyone to ask me about the baby and I just felt like crap! Everyone around me was getting their babies before I was and it was awful! All I can say hun is that it is gonna be over real soon, I know it doesn't help saying that but it really will be and it's really worth it! Come on baby, stop upsetting your mummy! :hug:

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