Swine flu jag??


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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So with swine flu hitting the headlines again, what are your thoughts on it? To have or not to have?:eh:
I had it wiv my last pregnancy and my doc told me that the benefits far outweigh the risk. I was just sayin to dh earlier that I haven't had a letter from gp yet this year (I usually get offered it due to asthma) I had swine flu last year and flu the year b4 and was really poorly with it xx
I have asthma aswell so might contact gp this week to see what she says.
i cba.
More people die each year of normal flu than they have done swine flu so seems pointless to me.
its only 70% effective so there is still a good 30% chance of getting swine flu and anyone I know thats had the swine flu jag have been really poorly after it and I would take my chance and not have it but its only a decision that the individual person can make eh xx
Im still undecided, ive asked gp opinion n he just said the government recommend it n asked my thoughts. I couldnt help thinking ive just asked your opinion you idiot! Im very unsure about it n with me not having too long left I think I will not have it.
It's a nightmare trying to decide to be honest. Neither my gp or midwife have mentioned it and it's only really came into my thoughts with what i've read in media this weekend.

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