Swimming bliss...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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Went swimming today for the first time - bought a swimsuit from Mamas & Papas awhile back for a tenner and I'll be damed if I didn't use it at least once before i popped. I must say it was really nice, helped easy the back pain - even if I did look like a beached whale :shock: ! Definately recommend it to everyone, my only concern was the possiblity of my waters breaking while in the pool - hehehehe! The weirdest thing was actually coming out of the water and back onto dry land, that's when your weight finally hits you again and you realise just how much extra weight you've been carrying around.
You are brave! There is no way I could go out in public exposing my flesh at the mo' :lol: I really hope I will be able to again one day though!
I was thinking of going swimming soon. I just fancy floating for a bit lol
I love swimming; it is such a relief. I go aqua natal once a week also :D
i was very big with Harley and cryed to the midwife at 33weeks that i needed to be induced. she sent me to a swimming class i had all these floats to go on it was amazing it was for preg woman with bad back, you lay on your back floating around the lights are turned don low and soft music in the back ground it was heaven. bit i couldnt go often as no one could babysit.
id be worried about sinking and not been able to get back up to the surface lol!

Plus my strechmarks...ewwww not really a good look for them fit lifeguards :shakehead: hehehe

"excuse me madam can i just use that roadmap on you're arse to find out which junction i need to take for london" :doh:
cassi said:
"excuse me madam can i just use that roadmap on you're arse to find out which junction i need to take for london" :doh:

:rotfl: I'm sure they arent that bad, but sorry that was so funny LOL :rotfl:
Daggers said:
Went swimming today for the first time - bought a swimsuit from Mamas & Papas awhile back for a tenner and I'll be damed if I didn't use it at least once before i popped. I must say it was really nice, helped easy the back pain - even if I did look like a beached whale :shock: ! Definately recommend it to everyone, my only concern was the possiblity of my waters breaking while in the pool - hehehehe! The weirdest thing was actually coming out of the water and back onto dry land, that's when your weight finally hits you again and you realise just how much extra weight you've been carrying around.

well done daggers my dear :clap: :clap: :clap: you are very brave! There is absolutely NOWAY i would get into a swimsuit in my condition. I'd look like a grade three egg on legs :shock:
I love the idea of the pool but as you say Daggers when you get out it just hits you how heavy you actually are. It actually feels great when I'm in there but trying to haul myself out at the end........hell I'm on my knees :shock:
budge said:
well done daggers my dear :clap: :clap: :clap: you are very brave! There is absolutely NOWAY i would get into a swimsuit in my condition. I'd look like a grade three egg on legs :shock:

Sorry but this is coming from the woman who dresses as a smurf :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: i think im going to put on my smurf suit tomorrow and be a pregnant smurf! :cheer: :cheer:

i might post piccies
I'll make sure I'm sitting comfortably for that one with my incontinence pants on :rotfl:
Oh dear budge I think this pegnancy has gone to your head! Just as long as you don't attempt to go swimming in your smurf costume :rotfl:. As nothing has happend as yet - re giving birth, may attempt going swimming again tomorrow, getting tired of visiting parks, also it hurts my feet all this walking around. Maybe a few laps in the pool may help get baba on the move :roll: .
Oh yes re looks at the pool side, well I just wrap my Sponge Bob Square Pants towel around me until I'm near the edge of the pool and make a dash for it!!!!

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