Awww hun
I do feel for you. I was so hoping it would be good news once having had a sweep.
Try to relax and not fret about going into labour. My MW said to me to try to not focus on it as often thinking and worrying about it causes you to tense up and maybe slows things down.
Easier said than done especially if you are feeling crappy anyways.
I'm keeping everything crossed for you and hope it happens soon.

I do feel for you. I was so hoping it would be good news once having had a sweep.
Try to relax and not fret about going into labour. My MW said to me to try to not focus on it as often thinking and worrying about it causes you to tense up and maybe slows things down.
Easier said than done especially if you are feeling crappy anyways.
I'm keeping everything crossed for you and hope it happens soon.