

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hey ladies, Ella is 4 months and still needs to be swaddled to sleep. Maps are a total nightmare, she fights it likeyou wouldn't believe. Bedtime is fine if swaddled, can be put.down awaKe and drops off by herself.

Tried moving her into a gro bag the.other night but she just got herself in a right.state cause her arms were everywhere! Then kept waking up with her arms flailing.

Just wondered how all your Lo's are sleeping did you/do you swaddled.and when/how did you stop.

Thanks ladies :)
I swaddled my LO until she was about 6 months old. She just flapped around everywhere and she was keeping herself awake by doing it. Eventually she figured out how to get out the swaddle and it worked out safer to take her out of it, she kind of dictated when we stopped :)

I still need to hold her down a bit sometimes as she still flaps about!
We stopped swaddling quite i while ago cant really remember how old he was, maybe around 6 weeks. As hes such a wriggler he used to get out of the swaddling, and didn't like being so constricted. So i put him into his sleeping bag which he def prefers. He likes to have his arms out and free so to speak. So again LO dictated when we stopped swaddling. xxxxxxx
have u tried swaddling then slowly loosening the swaddle each time to when she is at the stage she is ok without it? if you want to stop swaddling x
Herbie was swaddled for months till about 6 months he loved it but just kind of stopped it himself when he started wanting to move around his cot xxx
Lizzie is always swaddled, for night time and naps during the day. I have absolutely no inclination to stop because as soon as she's wrapped up tight she knows it's sleep time and drops off straight away! It's not harming anyone so I'll carry on as long as it does the job :)
Thanks for your responses ladies. I've just read different things that say you should stop swaddling at 1 month/3 months because it can hinder development? Half of me takes this with a pinch of salt (like everything else to do with babies should/shouldn'ts) but just wondered what other people were doing.

She does sometimes wriggle out of it, not always, but doesn't wake up if she's free, its just the getting to sleep in the first place! Naps always bring tears regardless but night time, swaddled is a dream!

Have tonight just put her in a sleeping bag and held her arms and although she wasn't too happy, she dropped off eventually!

Sleep in general is a bit of a can of worms. Trying to get her to nap as pain free as bedtime is proving difficult, not sure why she knows the difference but she does! It's like she knows she'll be missing loads in the day!

Suppose we'll get there in the end (fingers crossed)!
zak stopped once he went into his crib from his moses basket. about 3 months old. loves his sleeping bag now but didnt at 1st. bt hates swaddling now, tried it when i forgot to take a sleeping bag when we were staying at inlaws recently and he just kicked it all off and ended up with no covers on !! x
That sounds promising, how did he react when you stopped? How long did it take for him to like it and does he just del off by himself now in it? Sorry, twenty questions!
I used to alternate swaddling, sleeping bag and sheets so she wouldn't get used to one, but now it's quite warm I just use sheets. Sheets were the worst though - she's a wriggler too! I think she's used to not hitting herself now though!

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