Swaddling question


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Jacob is sleeping in his swing! Well, kind of. He is startling a lot and waking up from that. He doesn't normally like being swaddled and kicks right out of it, but I'm thinking about trying to get one of those swaddles that velcros (?) so he can't kick out of it. I usually prefer to hold him when he's napping because I enjoy the cuddles, but if I could get him to be capable of napping without one of us holding him that would be really good because my house is a complete mess and my neck is sore! Is there an age or size limit recommendation for swaddling? I think he would look so silly swaddled, but he keeps drifting off nicely in his swing, then startling and waking up, crying... We then put the dummy in his mouth and he instantly falls back to sleep (and drops the dummy- after two seconds!)... startles a while later, etc.

Swaddling isnt a silly thing :) most babies like to be wrapped up when they fall asleep as it makes them feel safe, secure and warm. I swaddled my LO but never tucked his arms in becuase he hated that so I swaddled him to his chest. There is no age limit for swaddling really, you can do it from newborn untill they get to the age where they kick it off and scream if you try, its at that point that you need to find an alternative, like blankets or a gro-bag.

My LO also liked to fall asleep in his swing but I slowly weaned him off of that because it got to the point that he wouldnt go to sleep no matter what unless he was in his swing and I felt that wasnt such a good thing, He still sleeps in it every now and then but I try and settle him to sleep in his cotbed now.

Hope this helps.
awww its not silly.........Riley loves being swaddles but is too bloomin strong for it now :roll:

If ya can get one of the velcro ones and it works, go for it! :D
We swaddled Lovella from birth in a breathable cotton blanket.. until she went into the cot at 4 months and had a Grobag instead :)
I brought this blanket for Lottie three weeks ago http://www.babysleepshop.com/acatalog/S ... dling.html Since using it she has settled in her cot with no fuss each evening. She is also sleeping for longer stretches (although not exactly the "gift of sleep" that is advertised on the packet :roll: ) I was concerned at first that it looked really restrictive but she is comfortable in it. It took a few goes to master how to put it on and it is much easier when she is already sleepy. The miracle blanket also has good reviews. However they only go from 0-3 months where as the snug and tug also do a 3-6 month blanket.
I think I would need the snug and tug then because Jacob's the size of an average four month old and strrrong! :] I would just use it for naps when I can't hold him because he loves kicking in his sleepingbag at night and doesn't wake up then for some reason.

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