Dummies and Swaddling...

thanks hope and sorry for hijacking thread pudds!!
I am glad to read so many varying opinions and practices. I feel more confident in trying to swaddle now and going without a dummy as we wanted to... if it doesnt work it doesnt work and I may have to cave in on some of the things I didnt want to do but good to know its not off the table! xx
Grace loved to be swaddled for the first couple of weeks and then she settled fine without. I too was well avaunt using a dummy but gave in when she was a week old, she settled easier with it. She liked to comort suck though and my poor boobs couldn't take anymore!! Once she got to around 3 months she just rejected it and never wanted it again - he hasn't had a dummy one day since then! I had stopped giving it to her to settle her to sleep, she found her hands and used to suck her fingers - she prefered this. She grew out of this soon after xx
i would like to wean belle off of it soon, as i know it will be tough the longer i leave it. she loves it so much though!! :(
I swaddled my baby boy (now 11 weeks) for about the first month, it was a god-send!! He loved it! Just made sure not over dressed underneath and room not too hot. Had to stop about 6 weeks as started to fight his way out of it so is now in a sleeping bag.

I don't use dummies and don't plan to. Am sure babies have slept for generations without dummies with no problems so I don't see I need to use one. I make sure my little one doesn't overheat and as he is in a cot right next to my bed I don't worry too much about cot death. He's happy without a dummy.

Just do what feels right to you.
i would like to wean belle off of it soon, as i know it will be tough the longer i leave it. she loves it so much though!! :(

I tried and he went about 2 weeks without, not hes teething he has it all the bloomin time :doh: Im just trying to distract him and give it as alast resort.
Am sure babies have slept for generations without dummies with no problems so I don't see I need to use one.

I agree but when you have a baby with real bad colic, its either the dummy or cart mummy off to the looney bin!!!:lol:
well all 3 of mine have had a dummy and dolly still has a 2 terrible I know. Herbie is such a good baby and never crys so I did think should I give him it but he LOVES it think thats why he's so happy lol but every baby is different. and as soon as he is swaddled his eyes close lol
^^ exactly, every baby really is different, I dont think you can make decisions about these things until theyre born and then just go with the flow.
Ha ha yes have definitely had moments when close to the loony bin..... I just meant not to worry too much about only using dummies to prevent cot death.... am sure babies will be ok sleeping without a dummy. This advice is only recent isn't it? Their advice seems to change all the time, when I talk to my Mum/MIL etc amazing how different they did things back then!
I was really against dummies, but zach had colic and it really helped. Now though, he won't have it and has turned into a thumb sucker (I'd rather him have the dummy, at least I can take a dummy off him!). My mum is over the moon though, she really hated that I gave him a dummy!
Hey hon, H had a dummy - I didn't want him to tbh but he was such a sucky baby and it helped him calm down and fall asleep. Never woke up when it fell out.

Swaddling wise, H hated it when I tried to do it so I didn't. He loved baby sleeping bags tho - great thing for babies I think!!!

x x x

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