Surrounded by toys and what does she pick...?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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:wave: Hiya girls!

Hope all mums and babies are good! Just sat laughing my head off at my little one...she is surrounded by toys of all description on the floor. Things that rattle, things that squeak, thinks that roll along, soft toys, hard toys...ok, you get the picture! :) but, whatis it she wriggles across the living room floor to get? My bottle of water! LOL She is having more fun pusing that around the floor than with anything else.

Was making me wonder what strange things other babies decide to play with?
Remote controls!! Just our TV one! We've given him our spare Sky remote but he loves our big black TV one! He now hits himself on the head with it when he waves it about!! other than that it's any toy that has spinny bits or cogs on it! Luckily he's not on the move yet but he does rock back and forth on his legs when he's sitting so it won't be very long! x
i filled that bottle of water with beads. worst mistake ever, its so loud!!!!
Alice can be surrounded by toys, but as soon a she sees a pack of wipes nothing else matters! She'll happily play with a wipe or just kick the whole pack cos it makes a noise
a potato he swiped from my kitchen worktop while I was putting in some washing was his toy of choice for an entire morning!! A potato!! You wouldn't think it was that interesting but he was fascinated!!!
We made 'treasure boxes' at baby sensory the other week. Was amazing the things they prefer to toys, washing up balls, wooden spoons, ribbons, water bottle with things in, old cd the list is endless! Here's a pic of the one i made from stuff round the house, he can even play with the old sweetie tin!

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emma loves her treasure box, i use a wind up musical jewellery box and hide the stuff she really likes to play with at the bottom. she remembers its there and throws the other toys out to get to the ones she wants! she puts stuff back into it as well!

so when she is sitting on her space blanket, playing with her water bottle rattle and her treasure box she is so so happy!

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