I've taken both. As well as others like Seven Seas and own brand depending on what was on special offer. I personally preferred the Seven Seas as they are small and easy to swallow but none of them reacted badly with me. Some people don't get on with a brand but the only way to know that is to try them.
I have heard others say pregnacare made their cycles longer.
I havent had issues with them but I stopped taking them and switched to Folic Acid, vit D and COQ10 as it gets so expensive and Im giving my body a break since they dont help anyway.
I'm currently just taking Spatone iron, vitamin D in almond milk, folic and eating well. Just wondering whether supplements are worth trying...normally I go the nutritional route.
I took Pregnacare and had no issues with my cycles. It was like I wasn't taking it. After while I changed to the Tesco's own as they are so much cheaper and have mostly the same ingredients. In the end, I ditched the lot and just went to folic acid/vit d. I think if you have a good diet there's probably no need.
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