Suggestions please (not ttc related)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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I need a new job. I'm 26 and have been in retail management for 9 years. I am now sick to the back teeth of targets left right and centre, and the sh** you get if you don't hit those targets. And if im honest, if my customer does not what what your forcing me to sell them, im not gonna push them. I want them to leave happy, and tell everyone about our good service. I'm coming home unhappy and stressing about it, which wont help TTC, and also you get 1 life. I wanna work to live, not live to work!


I'm looking for a new job, not in retail (ideally) but i dont know what to try and get into. I have all the relevant retail management NVQ's etc, 4 A Levels and GCSE's, and a 9 year committed background to my work and different projects with the company.

I don't want to work to ANY targets if possible other than deadlines.

Suggestions please (unless you wanna just give me a job) xxx
How about looking at office/admin work in retail? Depends where you live and where the companies are based, but my friend works for Next in London and I know Next's head office, for example, is in Leceister. She doesn't do office stuff granted, she designs things, but I know someone else that works for Dotty P's head office. That way you're still using your retail experience.xx
To aheva career change you must be committed so really think about it - what sort of things would you like - ie do you want a 9-5 mon to fri or are you happy with shifts? What sorta salary you after? Could you sit at a desk all day? Do you want to still deal with the public/customers?

I would recommed signing up with a temping agency and doing short stints at defferent types of places to see what you fancy. Its a difficult situation to be in - been there and now really happy, just gotta bit the bullet!! bear in mind, make sure you haev some fall back finances - ie a few months of expenses saved up to manage any period of no income!! good luck!!
Hi Chaz, I got made redundant a few years ago and it was actually the best thing that ever happened to me cos I had been in call centres for 6 years and absolutely hated my job. I really hated working to targets as well (mines weren't sales but still, it was torture).

I wanted to do something worthwhile so I applied for jobs with charities and thank god I got one, for a children's charity. Not sure what you have round your way but you could look in something like that?

Another thing you could do is sign up with a few decent recruitment agencies and let them do the searching for you. That will mean taking some time out to go and register and the agencies will want to interview you themselves but it's quite informal. Some make you do a typing test etc (if it's admin you're going for).

Dunno if that's helped at all, good luck with your job search! Keep us posted xxxx
I worked for a high st bank in a branch and got totally sick of the stress of not meeting sales targets. I left just over a year ago and went to work for a train company in their customer service centre. Love it, more money, less stress, no targets......but have to do shifts which is a bit of a bummer. However most people who start working for a TOC tend to stay and move about the company cos they have decent pay/ conditions. Went for interview last week for Delay Investigator so hopefully should get it, nice wee office job with better money :eek:) Still shifts tho, but 4 8.45hr shifts a week is not bad.
I have considered working for a tran company, based at a station, im on a bloody train every day anyway lol.

I also like the idea of working at a retail head office, we have Matalan, DW Sports and Heinz near us. Not to keen on agency work, now guarantee and can't afford to have an unpaid period.


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