Suggestions for boys names


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
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Hi ladies :wave:

Me and my other half are expecting a baby boy in March, however we have no name for him yet and we are really struggling to find one we love, or agree on, also my partner doesn't seem to like any boys names at all. It makes me feel a bit down we cant even name our little man :sad:

We had a huge list for girls names before we got pregnant and we had chosen Chloe Elizabeth for a girl. But we are having a boy and I cant really call him Chloe :lol:

Id appreciate any suggestions, first and middle names or just first names, I don't know what we really like we really finding it difficult.... we think of one name like it for about a week then go off it.
my personal picks for boys names are Mason, Hunter, Evan, and Jackson but I have no idea what your preferences are! Good luck!
What kind of names do you like? Traditional or more unusual names?
Hubby and I decided we really liked Hendrix but our families absolutely hate it, so that's taken the shine off it a bit xx
smitch - thank you :) My nephew is also named Mason. I was thinking is Jackson more popular in America rather than the UK I see it at the top of American lists on the internet.

Unicorn - I guess if you put it that way we probably like more traditional/biblical names however maybe some unusual ones are okay, but yeah I think especially other half would want to stay more traditional. We just cant find a name for him :(
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something you both love :) Harrison is nice, a bit different, but can be shortened to Harry, which is traditional? xx
We did have Harry as a favourite for about a week and then because his daddy's name is Gary... Harry kind of sounded a bit to much like his name :wall2:
my personal picks for boys names are Mason, Hunter, Evan, and Jackson but I have no idea what your preferences are! Good luck!

3 of them were on my list, love Mason and Hunter and Mason.

We ended up settling on Jackson though. Becoming alot more popular now, but as does every name eventually.

My lists are still more or less the same, I love the second name feel. I like Franklin, and we had Grayson as well.

Nice choices :)


smitch - thank you :) My nephew is also named Mason. I was thinking is Jackson more popular in America rather than the UK I see it at the top of American lists on the internet.

Id go with what you like, even if it is on most popular lists or not. Every name has an origin, whether thats America, Africa, wherever. Im sure itll be fine so long it doesnt sound like a made up word :p

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What about Zachary, issac, Theo, Jacob, Freddie, Harvey, jack, mikey?
I have a Noah James :)

We have chosen Charlie Joseph for his baby brother thats due in May.

Other names I liked but OH wasnt fussed was:

I like something a bit different but relevant to who you are. Good luck. Maybe just wait to you meet the little one.
Thank you all your replies :)

babyslog - Noah James sounds nice... I admit I wonder what other names go with Noah... :think: But I also noticed on your signature that you little one is called Charlie Joseph... this was an option for us last week!! Seriously It was Charlie last week and middle names we were think on having with Charlie were James, George, Mark and Joseph :lol:

James is my mothers Maiden name and Joseph is my OHs middle name :)

All those go lovely! My friend has a Charlie James :) xx
Its my partners surname that's a problem... We had loads on our list for a little girl... And we had decided she would be Chloe Elizabeth if she was a girl... However baby is a little boy... :oooo:

But we did have these on our list but I seem to like them for 5mins and then change my mind...


The week before this week it was Harry, last week it was Charlie and this week Jacob and Noah crossing my mind :wall2:
I know a lovely little Noah whose middle name is Lennon.

My friends little boy is named Christopher as he's so scrum my that I'm in love with that name at the moment.


All perfectly nice names
I wish this was my style... :( I don't even know what I like when it comes to boys, its the same with clothes and things, as anyone else noticed that there are more choice in clothing for little girls than boys?? and that girls clothes are a lot nicer? I've seen a lot of boys clothes and they all seem to be dark navy blue style at the moment :wall2:

I'm so frustrated about this whole name thing. I've just looked at girls names there loads I like: Chloe, Charlotte, Holly, Lily, Emily, Kira, Grace... I could keep going. But boys not one I think that's nice.. Sorry for ranting ladies :(

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