Suddenly waking more in the night


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Well I really don't know what to do - for the last 4 nights Brody has been waking up every 2 hours through the night sometimes every hour! I have tried settling him with his dummy but he seems hungry every time! :shock:

He is now having puree (2-3 cubes) mixed with baby rice 3 times a day now should he really be still hungry in the night so much?

I keep thinking he isn't getting enough milk from me, I had to go to the drs yesterday and I have mastitis (ouch)-can this affect my milk supply in any way? (Why do I never think of any questions while I'm there? :wall: )

Maybe he's due another growth spurt? Or could it be teething and he's using me for comfort as he whimpers even after I've fed him and he's gone back to sleep! :cry:

It's really strange as before this he was starting to sleep for longer periods at night! I'm absolutely knackered and feeling crap too :(

Oh and another thing, how much water should he be having now he's having solids?

Sorry for all the questions! I hope this makes sense as I've just rambled on!:oops:
:wave: hi hun,

well i dont know much about mastits but i suppose it would make sence if it does could you not ring if nobody knows on here?

Niamh got lik that about 6months i just used to make a few spoons of baby rice or little stars yogurt and she stopped. it could just be a groth spurt if your sure its not comfort.

i just used to offer it through out the day.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:lol: sorry i mean i would give her that for super. about an hr before bed (9 was her bed time @ that age) :oops: x
i had mastisus a month ago and found it was affecting my milk supply for a couple of days. I gave Dylan some forumla on the night and he seemed so much more settled till he threw it up ( but he has a prob with forumla)

I was fine again after that.

You make sure you get some rest and drink planty it made me feeli really rough and tired aswell as in a lot of pain

Thanks I'm feeling a lot better now I'm gonna see how it goes tonight I'm hoping he sleeps for more than 2 hours! :pray:
luke tends to wake a few times in the night and i think he is teethng he has all the signs, just no teeth yet.

hope you feeling better. :hug:

luke has breakfast (baby rice with a fruit puree)and a savoury meal and dessert meal at lunchtime i have been weaning him for 2 weeks. i tend to give him milk with his breakfast and water with his dinner he only take an ounce or so from a cup then 2 hours later he has a bottle again and then a bottle at tea time and before bed.

i would also be interested to know how much water he should be drinking when hes on 3 meals a day.
It sounds like a growth spurt, and if you have mastitis it really isnt going to help :hug:

Also if your breastfeeding you dont actualy need to give them water, give him a bf after the meal, your body would make more fore milk as your body knows he will need a drink :)

Clever boobies ay!

Thanks everyone :hug:

Tasha yes I think it must be a growth spurt he has fed even more today so will have to see how it goes tonight I'm off to bed soon so I might be able to get an hour! :lol:

Thanks for the info on the water too I thought that might be the case but wasn't quite sure! He has plenty of boob before and after so he'll be getting plenty! :lol:
So far so good, thanks for asking! :hug:
I took him to the clinic today and got him weighed he weighs 17lb 10oz now! :shock:

She said to either give him his tea a bit later with pudding or just before bed give him half a weetabix. The thing is I find it really hard to express much(sometimes I can only just get enough for a bit of rice!) and I'm thinking I'd need a fair bit for half a weetabix! :think:

But tonight I have given him some banana after his tea so I'm hoping he sleeps a bit better tonight! :pray:

Thanks for t he help I really appreciate it! :hug:

No problem

At his age Olivia was having 3 meals a day, she would have some sort of breakfast cereal, at lunch a powder mix thing and the same for dinner at about 4.30, she would have 3 breastfeeds in the morning , 3 in the afternoon before dinner and one before she went to bed a 6.30, spending half an hour each time, at least.

She only woke once in the night, but thats how I knew something was wrong when she would be out of that routine :D

I never gave Oli food before bed as it always upset her tummy and she would be awake all night, feeding for comfort

As for not being able to express much, get cartons of sma formula and put that with it, see Oli didnt like formul with it, so its a good job you can use water with the mix's, which she liked. i just made sure she has boob after too. :)

lol shes a right fuss ass :rotfl:
Thanks for that Tasha that really helps! :hug:

Can I ask what powder mix things you were giving her in the day? At the moment we are giving Brody some kind of cereal in the morning then then for dinner and tea some sort of pureed veg(not what we'd hoped to be doing but he was just too hungry to wait any longer!)

He is usually having about 6 feeds in the day too.

Last night I gave him some banana after his tea and it made no difference whatsoever! He went to bed at 7.30 and he was up at 10.30, 1.30, 3.30, 4.45 then at 6 he wanted to be up! :wall: He wanted feeding every time he woke apart from 3.30 when I managed to get him settled without feeding him!

To make things worse he refused his milk this mornng at 9.00 and would only have his breakfast! :(

He seems to be getting things the wrong way round - feeding lots at night and not in the day, instead of the other way round!

If anyone can see what I'm doing wrong please tell me! :pray: :lol:
i don't think you doing anything wrong hun, i think you doing a fab job x

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