Stupid hormones!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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This is so silly girls but just wanted to share!

So hubby and I moved house in August to a bigger home, it has a big living room compared to what we had before. We only had room for one 2 seater sofa in our old house.

The two seater makes our living room look really bare but OH didn't want another sofa - even though there is nowhere for guests to sit and people end up sitting on the floor! Anyway to cut a long story short he agreed we could get another 2 seater sofa.

It arrives today and he's been winging about it all last night saying I've got my own way and that the living room will look cluttered and horrible, he wanted to get tropical fish and now he's saying he can't have them because it looks cluttered with the sofa so no room for them! I've come up with loads of suggestions about where his tank can go - not having any of it. Last night I cried myself to sleep about it which has to be my hormones - how pathetic am I! Then I had weird sofa dreams all night and I've woke up feeling really sick!

It's a silly row between me and hubby - I know he'll get used to it but I can't believe how selfish he is being, we moved to a three bedroom house and he has his own music room full of guitars, amps, computer etc. I don't have a room of my own - the least he could let me have is a sofa so our guests don't have to sit on the floor!!

Moan over - just don't know why something silly has made me feel so down. :-(

personally I would be a bit miffed aswel well I would be crying as well because my hormones are the same lol. But tropical fish?? How are fish more important than a sofa where was he expecting people to sit when they come to see the new baby? I'd tell him that if he is so desperate to get his bloody fish then to make room in his music room, me are so selfish some times xx
I would of told him, he could put the fish in his room when he has all his stuff. And you can let your guests when they come sit on something. Or the next time his mum or dad comes round would he like them to sit on the floor?

I would be upset too.
grrr men! i have the same problem with OH, trying to get him to agree to things for the house, i ordered a new rug yesterday that he made such a fuss and didnt want, sounds like hes got it his way with the music room.

The dreams are really freaky arent they? i often dream about arguements and horrible things and puts me in a right bad mood for the whole day even though its not real :hugs: xxx
see hubby knows not to try and whinge at me cuz i'll just shout at him he's got the spare room where he keep all his crap but i generally picked everything for our house and if he doesnt like it tough, i dont have a massive living room but i've got two sofas and it looks lived in not cluttered i wouldnt ever dream of letting my relatives of sitting on the floor i'd get the chairs out of the shed first! lol
Hey hun,

Sorry to hear things are a bit crap! I think its a tough one, he sounds exactly like my OH!!! So annoying!
I would probably jst get a sofa and its tough if he doesn't like it!
We have been sorting out our conservatory today and all the kitchen cupboards, firstly he kept trying to pass me really heavy things and asking me to pass them to him!! then he went to drop some things at the skip so I had a lye dwn while he was out as I had been up since 8am and been on my feet all day, he left the back door wide open too knowing I have a cold, came back from the skip, called me a lazy b***ch for lying down then saying he was going to get a puncture fixed cos I never spend money on the car.......ha the cheek. I am the only one who gets it valeted and looks after it, I always put petrol in it, paid £400 towards new tyres. He has miffed me right off, the people I work with care more about me than he does. Some men are just such losers!!! xxxxx
Really upsets me so I know how you feel, some times I think its best to just say OK, OK, OK he can't argue with that...xx

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