Stupid doctor


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Well, that was a complete waste of time.

Went in as i have had twinges in my left hip for the past week and in the past couple of days in my left ankle.

My DH has had sciatica for 3 years now, and said where i was saying it hurts is where he hurts.

So along i went to the drs to see if they could refer me for physio or something.

I walk in, I say what the problem is and she says "well your pregnant, your pelvis is moving because of the child, there is nothing i can give you and nothing you can do and it will get worse as you go on". :wall2:

I have a health insurance policy so going to look into physio that way. Can't believe she wouldn't do a thing :mad:
Omg that is so bad! He didn't offer u anything? What a cock! :hug:

not a sausage! just said take paracetamol. i dont wanna take painkillers!!
I've had exactly the same experience this week - saw two different GPs (one at urgent care centre and one at my own surgery).
The first told me I had a UTI and gave me antibiotics.
The second said 'there is something you need to understand, when you are pregnant blah blah blah...' basically I was told it would get worse rather than better as the pregnancy goes on and that I should wear sensible shoes and use a hot water bottle and take pain killers (paracetamol) to ease the pain. Gee thanks!
If i were u hun i would make an appointment with a different doctor in your GP's surgery. In the past, for various reasons, i have had to see many different doctors to eventually get some help or answers. i would literally go in and ask for physio. xxx
i did! she said no! bitch! will leave it a couple of days and go back.
may be worth speaking to your MW. Where I work the MW can refer directly for physio (specialist in women's health). I'm sure they would be a little more understanding! Good luck!
Doctors are so crap sometimes hope u feel better soon x
Does your private cover include chiropractors? My chiropractor is amazing and refuses to see why pregnant women should just have to accept being in he's totally gorgeous and a bit mad......I feel backache coming on lol xxxxxxxx
i know it covers physio and osteopath. would imagine chiros are included x
may be worth speaking to your MW. Where I work the MW can refer directly for physio (specialist in women's health). I'm sure they would be a little more understanding! Good luck!

Ive just done the same thing! Suffered with my right leg going numb for yrs now but the mw refered me cos one of the causes can be pregnancy (even tho like mw said i had it before i got preg, her words were (its worth a shot)

Just got my letter through 2 days ago to make an app to see hosp physio.

Cant believe how unhelpful she was!! Some of them really get on my wick xxx

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