Stupid body!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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As most of u know I have yet another loss :-( only gd thing is that it came early at 4plus4 so for me does not seem as bad as my late losses and I think this one was doomed from the off as it was late implantation on dpo 11-12 and as I have a shorter luteal phase I sort of didn't get excited I just knew this wasn't going well but I had hoped I was wrong,I am gutted don't get me wrong but this just was not meant to be, I'm going to take myself to the doctors n now demand tests now ve had the stupid rule of 3 mcs now, I just don't know what I have to ask for ? One I want to ask for is a scan to check my uterus for scaring from previous op and erpc on my uterus what other tests can I ask for ?? Xxx
Hi hon,

I am so sorry for your loss!! Early or not it is still a loss and still hurts!!

I am in the middle of having my tests atm and that was instagated by my Dr. The one in London asked for me to have a Hysteroscopy to check for scarring from D&C's etc and they are doing numerous blood tests, last one of which is next week.

I would take yourself to the doctor and demand to be tested now for various things and you will probably be advised about having a Hysteroscopy as well with your history.

I hope this helps and my thoughts are with you.

Lee-Ann xx
So sorry to hear you have had another loss hun, :hug:
Hi Jojo, I am sorry I cant offer you more support than my thoughts going out to ya and a hug! I know abit how you feel - next week I am off to the doc for a follow up after the d&c and to talk about therapies moving forward. I am so nervous about it somehow. But make sure you get what you need so the next bfp is a sticky bfp - it is not fair to have to go through this so often before they even think about trying something.
I got fed straight into the recurrent mc clinic at the hospital from the EPU after the last loss. Your GP won't be able to do all the tests as they are quite specialist. Your GP will probably refer you into the clinic. I think it was Carnat that told be 70% though there is nothing wrong with you its just bad luck. Its a frustrating task, as although you want the result to be normal, its kinda annoying when they are!!!!
:( sorry jojo. hope u and oh are alrigjt.
dont give up with the drs. keep demanding

takecare xx
Hi jojo, I am so sorry again for your loss - I can't offer you any advice but I hope it goes well at the doctors. :hug: xxx
Ah so sorry to read this Jojo sending you lots of :hugs:
So sorry to read this :hugs: hope you get to find out what's going on xx
Sorry to hear this JoJo,

Sadly I've been here myself and know exactly how you feel.

You need to see your GP and be referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic - most hospitals have one.

Once you are referred here they know exactly what to look for and you won't have to "demand" anything - they'll do all the basic tests as standard.

It doesn't make things any easier but my 2nd and 3rd losses were early so at least I didn't suffer too much physically???? However emotionally each loss cut that bit deeper.

I know it may feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel right now BUT try to keep the faith that one day you'll get your sticky bean

Thnx carnat guess the only thing to do is get my butt to the docs n get the ball rolling as I know these things take time n knowing my hospital it be months which tbh every week feels like a yr at the moment cos of my age I will just carry on ttc n hope n prey I won't need the recurrent clinic xxx
JoJo , I'm really sad you have now gotten to three mc's, but agree get your but down the docs asap, and push them about the issue of your age too and see if they can give yours priority a little more, not sure if they candue to everyones are inportant , but you have slightly less time. have you tried azgnus castus for the luteal phase , to lengthen it, to help? I have no experiance but had seen ladies using it for this last year.

I know your going to get there huney XX
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Hi Jen I've been using the soy so I dunno if I can take ac aswel as that but I'm gonna see how this cycle goes I mean my lp isn't that short realy it's 12-13 days so not to short, I've got an app at docs fr the 23rd October I'm going from there it will be cd22 so I'm going to push for day 21 bloods that day to be done to check hormone levels etc gotta start somewhere right, I was sorry to hear about ur emby not surviving defrost life is so shit lately xxx

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