Struggling to pick myself up :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Not been on in a few days & just from glancing down the titles of new threads I don't think I'm alone in the fact that the witch arrived 2days ago. I'm absolutely gutted!!! I think I need to give up & be happy with my princess.

18 long months have passed & I can't take the heartache anymore :( OH doesn't want to stop & I feel terrible cos he wants to be a daddy sooo badly!!! Breaking my heart. After having my daughter in difficult circumstances over 9yrs ago I said I never wanted anymore children, now I'm being punished for that. Tearing me apart & don't no what to do????
I didnt want to read and run but dont really have any advise, apart from- have you spoken to your husband about how you are feeling?
Hunnie :hug: have u been to see the doc about ttc at all? Maybe having some time off too will help!! Just stay strong hun! :hug:
:hugs: Hun

Have you been to the doc for any tests?

I think when the witch comes it's really hard to stay positive. Give yourself a bit of time, maybe relax over Christmas & then see about speaking to a doctor in the new year.

Hope you are ok, have you and OH had tests?

If not look into that, any probs can be sorted.

Hello lovely,

My thoughts mirror those of the others really...I would say give yourself a break over xmas and enjoy it with your OH and your little one. then see about going to the docs in the new year. But i would also def chat to OH about how you are feeling....he maybe doesnt realise the upset you are feeling. lets face it, most men dont guess things or work things out unless we tell them straight....bless them...

Hope you feel better soon xx

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