Struggling At Work...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Hi there

I work as a food operative in a food factory and am struggling with being on my feet all day.

I had a scooter accident in November (was already pregnant but didn't know as I would've only been about a week gone) and have developed bad back pain which seems quite like siatica.

I work a 7.5hr shift and 7 hours of that I'm on my feet which hurts my back to the point where I can't walk properly at the end of my shift, and the fact that I work in a fridge (has to be cold temperatures to maintain food freshness) affects it too.

I'm signed off work at the moment because I went to my doctor in desperation and explained how sore my back has been and its been affecting my sleep. I've to return to work next Monday and I'm absolutely dreading it as I know that I can't manage the standing all day.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation and how did you cope?

Suppose I should add that I only started working for my employers on 10th October 2010 and seemingly I conceived towards the end of October 2010 so I haven't a clue when I could start my maternity...due to the nature of the job I'd like to start it asap. I think I worked it out right that I'd just be about working 26 weeks for my employer before 11 weeks of my due date which is 26th July 2010...but its quite confusing. I don't want to ring HR and they say I'm not when I am, and I miss out on maternity pay because I can't challenge it because I'm not sure...any help/advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

Sorry you're struggling :( Can you be put on lighter duties?
Is there any way they can provide you with something to sit on to do your work or is that not possible with what you're doing? I had bad sciatica when I was pregnant with Toby and it got unbearable standing and walking sometimes, so I don't know how I'd have coped with employers to worry about instead of just a grumpy toddler!
I think you need to have been employed for 26 weeks by the 15th week before your due date, which you should have been, but I don't think you can start maternity leave earlier than 11 weeks before - you can be signed off before then though, if you're not able to do your job (and knowing that do you think they'll be able to find you something else you can do until then?) x
Hey Ladies

Thanks for your replies. x I went to docs today and it is sciatica I have :(

They've given me a fit note for returning to work on Monday which basically requests lighter duties and no prolonged standing, but I really don't know until I go back, what duties they'll have for me. I spoke with HR about maternity yesterday and I have made SMP by the skin of my teeth, so I just need to work out 11 weeks back from my due date of 26/07 to find when I can leave if my lighter duties etc don't help. x
Do work have a occupational health team? They can do an assessment and advise both you and your employer. x
Do work have a occupational health team? They can do an assessment and advise both you and your employer. x

Ah good point!! They do actually. My actual employer is the Belfast Health And Social Care Trust because we supply meals to NHS hospitals and nursing homes etc, and they do have a dept like that. I never thought about that. I guess I can request an assessment with them through my manager...Thanks for pointing that out. x
Hope they manage to sort something out for you x

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