Strong period pains


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Been having them for over a week now along with a fair bit of discharge and lots of lower back pain. Today it deffinatly feels stronger! Hopefully I won't be waiting too long for my LO to show up!
Oooo sounds like things are going to progress for you, keep us posted x
I've had this too. Do your pains come more at night or during the day? xxxxxxxxxx
Bit of both but been mainly during the day. How about you?
They've woken me up a couple of times but mainly daytime too, normally when Albert's resting, when he starts to move they go off again. I'd forgotten what they are like and it's not nice being reminded tbh
That's exactly what I said to OH. Haven't had a period in nearly 2 years and when I did have em they were really bad. One highlight of being preggo was no period or the pains but we obviously get very much reminded at the end lol
Cos of the cysts I ended up on morphine every month and it still hurt :(. I'm hoping that after I give birth they calm down a bit or I'll be bugging the OH for another 9 months of different agonies lol
I've had these too. My lower back and bump is really sore today and I am swimming in DC(TMI sorry). Everytime I go to the toilet I am soaked. Now AJ has got hiccups and is pressing on my foof. ouch ouch ouch. Can barely walk at the moment. Wanna cry at the thought of doing dinner and trying to dtd tonight in an effort to evict baby. :-(
Well orgasm produces endorphins which are a natural pain killer.....bring it ooooonnnnnn!!!!! :D
But then you get tightenings after an orgasm and its uncomfortable. Cant win lol

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