

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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I have quite a few stretchmarks all over my bum and one on my boob. I was just wondering did any one start of like this and then get them on their bump? My bump is quite large already and so far no marks. Will they creep up on me soon?

Has anyone else got them?
you might be lucky and get none on yur bump or they may be hiding far down like mine were untill i looked in the morror :(

i use coco butter by palmers and its great my really dark ones have gone pink and the pink ones have gone white/silver
Imwarr, you read my mind! I was gonna start this post today, hope you don't mind if I hijack it? :)

I've got none so far, and was feeling smug until my friend told me she didn't discover her first until 37 weeks.

So, what are our chances of getting away with it? Those with kids, when did you get your first?

If I am lucky, my secret has been slathering on whatever lotion I can find! And as a former Body Shop manager, I had loads in my cupboards! :D
I had none on my bump until the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy then I looked in the mirror one morning while getting dressed and was horrified to see all around my belly button ( well what was my belly button) loads of pink strechmarks!!!!!! :x
I'd gotten away with it right until the end and I used palmers coco butter all over my body!

I think if your going to get them you will and if your lil one is putting weight onquick then you'll unfortunately get a little one maybe here and there.
sorry to be a party pooper
Not at all Angie, the voice of truth and reason is what we need! :)

Can't say I'm that bothered about them really. Part and parcel of the whole experience, eh?
reckon you should be ok now imwarr, unless you have a quick growth spurt that is.
i got all my stretchmarks from my daughter 10 yrs ago, but didn't get any extra with last pregnancy or this one, so hopefully i am not gonna get any more.

they do fade over the years, but they never dissapear, one of my close friends went up to london for a consultation at a clinic that lasers them away, & it would have sost £3000 to have hers done!! she decided not to.

they also say they are heriditary (sp) like if your mum got them then the chances you will too? my mum has none on her belly, so this theory didn't work for me!!!
Oh my mum has none so i can only hope. Im on my 4th tub of cream now ha ha
i had 1 tiny little stretchmark right up until i gave birth!! then afterwards i got loads!!! i dunno y, my stepmum said the same happened 2 her tho weird huh!!
I wish I could say I had none :( :cry:

My tummy looks like the london underground map!!

S. xx
i havent got any strech marks on my tummy, but i have them on my hips and thine
i started off with no stretchmarks at all..then i got a couple on my boob (just the right one??) then i noticed a couple on my back sort of creeping towards my hips..then finally last week i noticed in the mirror some under my bump where i cant see them just by looking myself....its only a couple but it bummed me out coz i had none on my belly up till now and i had been covering myself in coconut oil. and baby oil aswell! its since the babys dropping the bottom of my belly is obviously getting stretched lots more! got 1 near my bellybutton too which has now popped right out..its creepy!

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