Oo they do look painful? Do you put cream on them to help the itch? This is baby number 4 and no new ones (yet!) I only have one mark down my belly button, that when the belly has shrunk back you can barely see it. I've been so lucky, as first two of my pregnancies I was pretty huge! I also have some on hips and top of thigh from teens, that I don't Notice. Must be slightly genetic, my mum has 4 children and hasn't got any, anywhere! I think it depends how your bump grows as to when they'd appear, a lot of people - like myself - tend to grow a lot in the last 10 weeks, lots of water retention too, all adds to the swelling and stretching. I'm hoping I'll be lucky again, but to be honest pregnancy marks are something to be proud of. We are all doing a great job carrying our monkeys! xx
I got them only in last 6 weeks with my first Colleen x
Each time a few get slighltu worse or higher, but im really verylucky, but reallydon't worry its amazing how silvery and faded they get inbetween pregnancys.
Any tiger stripes same as section scars are our marks of motherhood, we did that
I got stretch marks when I gained weight as a teenager and a few new ones around 34 weeks with my first baby but no extra with the second and no new ones so far with this baby.
I think it's mostly down to genetics and how elasticated your skin is. If you have a big growth spurt they might be worse than if your bump had grown slowly.
Mine are now all faint silvery lines which I don't mind at all. I was never much of a bikini wearer before kids anyway and my husband loves every bit of me anyway including my wobbly jelly belly LOL.
The dark bits of them are sore as the skin is so raw and it makes so much heat sitting at a desk all day as that part of my bump sits on my lap. I shower twice a day and make sure all creases are dry then I put bio oil on. During the day I put aloe vera cream on when I get itchy. I've had this routine from around 13weeks and am very good at keeping up with it so it just shows it's out of my control really. I am quite short (5"3) and I guess I do have a big and very low bump so I'm not sure if that's affecting it too x
Awww Belfa that sucks. But honestly they will eventually go silvery. I had a growth spurt about aged 15/16 and had loads and they were red at the time and I hated them. But have totally faded now, can barely see them.
I have only got my first new stretch marks at 38 weeks. Just at the very bottom of my bump/above pubic line. But hoping they don't move up. Think is from baby nesting at the top of my pelvis and stretching that area out.
I had none until I went one day overdue. Then they exploded like fireworks over my belly. All completely faded and invisible by the time I found out I was expecting no. 2
To be honest, even though they're a nightmare they are a sign of what we held for 9 months. Can you imagine men getting stretch marks and what we'd be hearing if the shoe was on the other foot lol lol lol... Xx
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