Stretch marks do we all get them? or am i alone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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im 32 weeks pregnant and have had bright red stretch marks since i was about 28 weeks. I have a tattoo on my belly button and used to have a navel ning it looks awfull now big cratter tummy and im only 20 ha ha. Shes worth every one though. does anyone else have stretch marks or am i alone?
I haven't gotten any NEW stretchmarks since I had my first child but he was enough, it looks like Freddy Krueger attacked my belly!! But after 4 more no new ones Thank God!!!

xoxo Ree
Mine are priceless :lol:

Know what you mean about your belly button peicing, mine has turned into a big scar.
Hey Peeps,

I started panicking when I started to get stretch marks at around 30 weeks. I cant actually see mine unless I use a mirror as they are on the underside of my tummy. aparently my mum had the same ones at the time and now she has nothing due to exerising them and ot losing the weight too fast.

Can I recommend Palmers Cocoa butter cream for the stretch marks though as its improved mine inn the meantime quite a bit!
thanx ladies for replying. I dont feel as bad now. I ve been using collegen ellastin 200% moisture cream so goodness knows how bad they would be if i never used it. Are you all excited then you all a bit closer than i am
I didn't have any through the pregnancy i was well chuffed, then it happened - a week after Abi was born they raised there ugly heads lol, i don't care now tho she was worth it :)
Just got a couple under my bump and on my hips, i think they look awful but Oh really doesnt seem to care!!! I hope they fade and quickly. :shock:
i would reccomend teh palmers coco butter too im using it as i didnt have any stretch marks at all with my first but ive got loads just under my bump and 2 right above my belly button i find they are very itchy i dont know if its just me but the palmers stuff is great to sooth the itching
I started using the palmers stuff after my stretch marks appearred as a friend recommended it and I'd heard loads about it and its really cleared them up a lot because I havent got any bigger in last wee while.

Lets hope once LO makes an appearance it still keeps clearig then up!

ive got lots from first child which had faded to silvery colour and were hardly noticeable but now the same ones are all growing darker again no new ones yet though thank god xxx
i used palmers coco butter but still got themmine have faded now tho
at the end of the day stretch marks are if it wasnt for them horrible lines that we all hate and moan about we wouldnt have our little bundles of joy :wink: :D :)

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