Stressful Day...


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Hiya, I have had a horrible day and need to offload, hope you dont mind me doing it here....

Have been feeling a bit crappy the last couple of days, bit crampy and down but was trying not to worry since I am all over the place anyway, damn hormones...then this morning there was some brown blood :(

Rang midwife who said see your GP or go to A+E, you need to have a scan asap, so being impatient and believing it would be quicker than trying to see my doc straight away we went down to A+E. Several hours later, and after much prodding and blood, urine etc tests, internal exam and some test up there, I am finally home, with no real answers other than I have a slight urine infection! This might account for the pain but they couldnt tell me about the blood, apparently my cervix is closed though.
I have a scan at the EPU in the morning so maybe they will tell me more...very frustrating cos noone really seems to know whats up. Where is this blood coming from if my cervix is shut?

Anyone else had similar experience? Obviously I am relieved nothing serious seems to be wrong but its still so freaky and stressful :?

Sorry for long post!!
me , last week ,but i had red blood :shock: then it went brown , noone at my epu could tell me where blood come from , a&e said same , cervix was just and she could see blood but couldnt see why it was there !

so dont expect answers tomorrow , just if baby is ok or not ! good luck !
awww poor you, but what great care you got, i know you waited a while but they thoroughly checked you out! I doubt you'd get that everywhere. Girls on here have posted that they have had blood and been told to ingore it, if you misscarry you do, theres nothing they can do, charming isnt it!!

I do know that if your cervix is closed then you arent miscarrying as it would be open and that brown blood is old blood and that you shouldnt worry. If the blood is fresh red blood then that can sometimes be a worry or if you soak through a pad in less than an hour.

Good luck with your scan, it sounds a tho its old blood and try not too worry, you'll get to see you baby! :cheer:
I've had the same thing on and off for 4 weeks now. Been bleeding again this weekend and still am now but I'm not worrying. I honestly think it is all part and process of pregnancy. I went to the Dr this morning to check I don't have an infection and even he said some spotting is normal and not to worry. I think you are better off at your Drs than at A & E though for something like this.

Good luck with your scan. I'd bet money all is ok though xxxx
i was bleeding in my last pregnacy at 7 weeks and i was told on the internal scan that there was blood all around the sac,they didnt have an explanation for this and it turned out to b fine n i have a happy,healthy 2 year old so try not to worry too much as it seems to b very common. :hug:
Thanks girls, everything is fine, thank god, little bean was wriggling about looking cute :D

I think my hosp is pretty good, I must be lucky, I did discover that the EPU only run in the mornings so if I had seen my doc at the late appointment they offered me I prob still would have got an app next day and not wasted everyones time in A+E :oops:

We were very impressed with how thorough they were even if I feel like a pincushion, and a bit sore after all the poking about :shock:

Thanks for the support as always, you guys are fab

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