Sooo stressed! (RANT ALERT)


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Excuse the rant.

Im feeling MAJORLY stressed out at the moment and all I want to do is curl up under the duvet and cry! Everything seems out to get me, or thats how it feels anyway.

My dad hasnt been very well lately and was a useless twat (love him though) even before he got ill, now though, everything he does is annoying the hell out of me and I just want to scream at him. He's annoying and far too dependant on me and my mum (more so mum).

Im meant to be moving 25 miles away to my other halfs place when baby is here, but we'll be living with his mum and her boyfriend (dont even get me started on him) but theres so many things I really dont like about that place and the thought of living there makes me so miserable at the moment! OH went to the gym with his best mate on sunday morning, leaving me in bed for a rest and all I could do was cry and cry and cry because his mum was smoking in her bedroom AGAIN and it was wafting through in to his room (which also means it would have been wafting through to the nursery too). Theres so many other things there which annoy the hell out of me and make me not want to live there, but I know realistically, its our only option for now.

Mine and OH's car has broken down too, for the 2nd time in a we're carless most of the time, unless we manage to borrow his mums or her bf's car and we're having a nightmare time trying to get it fixed.

Also, my parents are having new windows put in this week so we've got the workmen here at 9am every morning..banging and crashing and filling the place with dust all day and I have nowhere that I can escape to. My parents have asked me to stay here because my dad is only here until mid morning when he goes to work and my mum isnt back until 1ish. Even then, I have nowhere to escape to because I dont drive and my bump is so big and heavy and uncomfortable that Im finding it really difficult to walk.

On top of all this, Ive also just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which I know isnt the end of the world but it still worries me and I really dont feel well at all lately and all I want to do is comfort eat right now, but all the things I want to eat, are out of the question.

So all in all, Im feeling really really stressed and like I cant cope :(
Again, apologies for the rant, I just needed to vent and theres nobody here I can vent to!
Awe hunni :hug: I hope you feel better soon try and get as much sleep as possible things always seem better after a good sleep xxxx

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Thank you Evie honey....that probably isnt helping actually, Im barely sleeping at the moment. Doesnt seem to matter what time I go to bed, I just cant drift off until about 1 or 2, and then when I do, Im awake every hour or so because Im either uncomfortable and then have to spend ages trying to move again, or I have heartburn or I need to pee! lol.
Im also wide awake at 6am EVERY morning!! Its so frustrating!
Sounds like I was the other week so frustrating isn't it made me emotional like I was on edge all the time like I wanted it all to be over but I didn't know what hahaha!! Sleep is the key :) try a nice warm bath and a couple of paracetamol tonight x

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Lol yup! thats exactly how I feel! I'll definitely give the paracetamol a go tonight...I tried the bath last night, but I can only have a soak in the tub when my other half is here...I struggle to get out of it on my own lol! xx
I haven't had that problem *touch wood* we have one of them corner baths so I can lay down on my side and everything lol!! But I have a separate shower cubicle and bent down to get to the garden to mow and couldn't get back up :shock: I was like omg!!!!! Help lol xx

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Lmao, Evie that is the funniest thing Ive heard all day! Bless you did you get back up?! Ive given up with attempting to do down there myself, my other half does it for me now lol xx
I had to open the shower door and sorta flop out lol :blush: :lol: xx

I really am sorry to laugh at your misfortune honey, but that has cheered me up!

Its also really nice to know Im not the only one who struggles to do certain things now!!! xxx
Lol!! Happy you can laugh at me :rotfl: I didn't know what to do lol could bear calling my husband hahaha!!

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