Anxious and getting angry eith my partner! 6 months pregnant

kerry daley

New Member
Nov 12, 2011
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could somebody plese please give me advice? im 6 months pregnant with a 9 month old son :). I am so nasty with my partner and i cant stop thins!!! once i flip i flip and im not being fair but my hormones are raging at the moment!! i wasnt like this with my last son when i was pregnant!! im so nasty to him he doesnt go out anywhere all he does is talks to his friends on the xbox and i find myself getting so angry thinking he is going to leave me!!! so i flip then when ive calmed down i look at him and feel so awfull!!!! then i beat myself up about it and im so stressed out!!! i cant handle these mood swings myself so i really dont know how my partner copes with me! im so scared im going to lose him if i carry on!! but i just cant help it!!! i dont mean to be like this or i dont want to hurt him i just want everything back to normal!!!:eh:
You just have to learn to not rise up against him. Hard I know from personally experience I moan about everything to my partner yet he does alot for me tidying up washing cleaning. I just want him to relieve me of my son for an hour or two as this pregnancy is tiring me out early. I'm failing we have had a mega barny in early mornings for last few days and I'm getting down because of it. Have you maybe been to the doctors as I had PND from my son and the anti depressants did help but I stopped them when got pregnant but maybe they could give you support in other ways x I am going to ask for it as I know I am bound to get worse the bigger I go x
Glad it's not just me with hormones lol I literally rip people's heads off when the haven't even done anything :( I don't mean to and feel bad after I just can't help it and I'm only 7 weeks people are gona end up hating me :( I think if u just explain how your feeling your oh will understand Hun just make sure you talk to him whenever I'm a bitch I always say I'm sorry I really didn't mean to be like that I just can't help it and that seems to help xxx
:hug: I'd show him exactly what you've written here. It's so hard being pregnant on top of the exhaustion with having a son to look after as well so you don't really get any time to relax. I'm sure he knows you well enough to know that it's the hormones and not you though x
You might want to speak to your GP hunny - my friend had uncontrolable rage with her second pregnancy and actually ended up she was depressed and needed medication - I am not saying you need that but it is always a possibility

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