

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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hi all,

im abit concerned at the mo. im probably just being silly but im getting worried.

i am not sleeping, im stressed out to the eyes balls as much as i try not to be.

work is really getting me down and the mo. i feel really discriminated against because im pregnant.

i havent felt any flutters from baby for about a week. because i havent really had any symptoms i seem to be constantly worried inbetween scans etc. i heard babys heartbeat at 16 weeks so only 2 weeks ago and im still worried something is going to go wrong.

sorry for sounding so miserable just feels like my head is going to explode at the mo.


I know from reading on here that folk have said movement might not be regular so early on - but I'm not a professional ;) You could call your midwife, at least it might put your mind at rest!

Are work treating you like crap?

Sorry I've not got heaps of advice but wanted you to know that I read

x x x x
I can relate to some of that. Work has got me so down recently that it has brought back my anxiety, its so bad that I've asked for voluntary redundancy instead of waiting until april so I can stop in february instead. Just can't handle it anymore. I worry about the tiniest of things and so so stressed. I have a docs appointment tomorrow as I've been off work all week cos of it. I just try and think of baby and that I will be stopping at some point and focussing purely on my family when I do stop work. Constantly worry about money too but as my OH keeps reassuring me, as long as we have each other and our little baby then that's all that matters. Try not too worry, its so much easier said than done though as everyone says it to me xxx
I know where your coming from. I feel soo stressed, its not a job... but uni... i have a 5000word assignment to hand in by 2nd Feb. I know i have a little bit to go yet but its the same day as my scan, im finding it hard to put what i wanna say into words and just generally panicing big time.

Im also the same when it comes to the baby... felt movement last week and since then its not been regular if at all, i think ive felt something but cant be sure coz it just dissappears. I too heard heartbeat at 16weeks but cant help but worry. I cannot wait till i start feeling baby properly as it will put my mind at rest with not having anymore scans after this (thats if everything is ok, fingers crossed)

Thats not good about feeling discriminated against at work either, can be helping in all of this. Is there someone u can speak to there about it? Hope things get better soon i really do xxx
Aw hun, i'm sorry your feeling crap. All i can offer is a big hug :hugs: I hope you feel better
I was stressing about not feeling movement at 18 weeks so I phoned my community midwife and I went into the gp's surgery to see her and she listened to the heartbeat for me too. It really put my mind at rest. Still don't think I can feel movement. Try not to stress, do something indulgent for yourself like a day at a spa or salon or even just take time for a long calming walk.

Hey i get days like that as well, So your not alone. :) Ive got 2 weeks until my scan too and I've been thinking all sorts coz it's been such a long time since I got to hear the baby. I never got to hear it's heatbeat at 17 weeks with the midwife, I did get to hear it at 15 weeks though when I had some bleeding and went to the hospital but that was over 3 weeks ago. I'm not even sure if I have felt the baby move, I really can't tell. The closer I get to the 20 week scan the more I'm like oh no something might be wrong. I think once I acutally get there It will be ok but you can't help but think like that some days.

Work is also getting me down but then it has been doing that for a long time anyway, I'm acutally thinking about a career change once I'm on maternity leave but as per usual things are never that easy.

I've also not been sleeping very well but that is because I've been having some crazy dreams! I dreamt that our baby was a devil baby that got taken away by some monster. Then I had a dream that my OH left me etc. I think that last one is because I have been thinking a lot lately about how lonely it can be with a baby. I remember when I was 17, feeling right lonely coz all my mates were out doing things and having fun. I'm dreading that in case it happens again, even though I know things are far different this time, like I actually have a OH who I love and he loves me.. but anyway it has been a strange few weeks with my sleeping too.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I have some idea about how you feel :). You just have to keep saying things will be fine in the end and it will all work out and its all these HORMONES that are making me us a bitty loopy :).
Hey hun!

Awww :hug: feeling no movement is very normal especially with your first. Around your stage I would only feel movement when I was lying in bed with my hand on my lower tummy and completely relaxed - obviously this had to co-inside with baby being awake at the same time too!

Sometimes a glass of fizzy coke about 15-20 mins before you lie down can help with this!

Howeer not feeling movement can be for many reasons - such as baby preffering to face your back rather than your front.

If you are stresed taking time out to relax (As above) maybe very beneficial for you - but please don't worry if you do not feel baby straight patient (also bare in mind this is my second baby) xx

As for work I have no advice I am afraid....if they are treating your unfairly it is against the law. xx
i know what you mean about work - i am on my feet all day every day and work and at 22 weeks its killing me! I cant afford not to be at work though and i have until the end of March until my maternity leave.

I wouldnt worry about the movement though - i only started feeling proper movement all the time about 2 weeks ago at about 20 weeks. I think its common not to feel much until later on x
I'm 21 weeks and have been feeling the baby for a while but only on and off - and it's not my first so I knew what to look for.

S/he is kicking damned hard now but there are still times when I realise there's nothing going on and I do wonder - but they do sleep. I didn't feel anything with my first until around now.

I've had stress problems too. I can totally understand how stress affects you during pregnancy.

I have depression and anxiety disorder. But I have meds and a shrink. and a specially trained midwife :)

But my partner lost his mum after a very long battle with cancer, on august 8th, and post xmas he's been the hugest nightmare. I stopped coping with him and his nasty moods and started spending as much time as possible elsewhere.

It became real bad 3 weeks ago when he caught me crying a few times over things. The last time was monday this week. He asked if I didn't want to be here with him anymore. Hard question to answer. I burst into tears and told him how much he makes me feel like he doesn't want me here, and told him various other things. And he has been so lovely since. I love him dearly but he has been pushing me away for months and I know things won't stay great, there are dips and peaks and wotsits, but he said he's sorry he's taken me so for granted and that he's been treating me the way he has. I told him I'm lonely and just need to escape all the time.

Stress levels have reduced greatly now.

With my first, I was working, and I wasn't happy with work. But I miss it now! What is it about work that is a problem?

I hope you feel better soon. Does your OH understand exactly how stressed you feel, can you talk to him?
thanks all. makes me feel better that you are all here.

oh is brilliant most of the time.

work basically have done an investigation on me as i did'nt go to work when we had the snow for one day. i am assistant manager and we couldnt open as i didnt go in. i couldnt get the car off the drive let alone anywhere else.

the staff that were due in also said it was too risky to drive.

just hate my job. cant wait for it to be over. xxx

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