Stress or Hormones???


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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My hair is falling out by the handful!!
Is this normal PP?? OH thinks its because i have been stressed lately.
Ill be bald by the time i get hitcxhed at this rate :shock:
Normal pp, because you were breastfeeding it may have been delayed a bit. :D
please can you post me the hair that's fallen out?
I've lost so much I need to make a wig :lol:
mines started coming out it did this when i first got pregnant as well i'm fed up of finding hair all over the place i was even having a shower this morning and it all gathered in my bum crack!!! its not coming out in clumps but loads of strands at a time when i wash it!!! god job i have plenty of hair
i lost loads of hair when pregnant but its all growing back now and i have new hair growing all over my head!!
so if anyone wants any let me know!!! :lol:
Ah you're not alone hels! Mine is also falling out :shock: When I wash my hair I have to remove it from the plug hole to let the water drain away :oops:

I hope it's temporary!

Lucy x
Hels, mine is doing that too. Apparently while not pregnant a person loses between 80 and 100 hairs a day. These don't fall out while you're pregnant, and then PP your body makes up for it. That's why you bloom while PG and your hair looks great!


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