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Strangers commenting on how you parent...

I can't wait to be old and be rude and nasty to people just because I'm feeling grumpy :rotfl: Old people (OK, not all of them, but a lot) can be so rude!
I think its some sort an "old people" thingy! They think they can interfiere, push you in the cue in the supermarkets, park in parent&child spaces (even if they are 30 years above concieving age) and just being rude to you! Well, not all of them, but some. I think its really nasty, and I hope Ill never ever be like that.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Had another experience, not so direct but nevertheless, was on the lift in the mall and it is badly designed and people always end up waiting so it was busy. We got in and there were these young women in there who obviously were pissed off as they were having to wait for the pushchairs to get in and out, so then they started mouthing off. There was one in particular who said if she had a baby she would either carry it or it would be walking if it could, she wouldn't want to hold people up and she wouldn't have a big lump of plastic and she was also saying that if she is on a bus and there is a pushchair she doesn't care as why should they get priority? To sum it up it went along those lines. There were other people in there so it wasn't directed at us in particular.

They all seemed fit to us so why were they using the lifts, the escalators and stairs were working fine.
I don't think this has ever happened to me :think: My mum is always telling me not to let Isaac have a dummy "it stops them talking" "he'll have sticky out teeth" blah blah blah :roll:

Nevermind that when I was a kid the whole family smoked like troopers around me :roll:
that must be so so annoying!
My mum used to look after her boss' daughter who had a heart and lung defect so if we went out for any length of time she had to be in a massive push chair....she was about 7 or 8 at this time. Well the looks and comments my mum got were stupid!! mostly along the lines of...i make no wonder shes a big girl if you push her about everywhere :shock: i mean you could even see her lips and round them were blue!! My mum used to just ignore them but i really dont think i would have been able to.

I think that woman in the life was a right cow tbh...one thing that got to me yesterday though about push chairs on busses....There were already 2 pushchairs on the bus and another lady got on the bus and just stood with the pushchair still up with baby in and the bottom of the stairs opposite where the other 2 were! Now fair enough the bus driver should have said something but he didnt but common sense must kick in at some point when people are struggling past you and you are falling over yourself etc to put the pushchair down and sit with the child (was about 18mth) on your knee? Guess some people just lack a bit of something up stairs...
Arrgggghh, old people annoy me :evil: Im not being ageist, they just do. So pass remarkable on everyone.

I feel I get a few odd looks when im out with the buggy board, as if why is she on it, is she lazy. But the thing is , yes, she might be. She hates walking and makes it as slow and tedious as possible so the buggy board is ideal. And she can get off it when she wants and wander or walk beside me.

Has anyone ever when down a hill on the back of their buggyboard. Very childish but good fun :oops:
lauramumof2 said:
Has anyone ever when down a hill on the back of their buggyboard. Very childish but good fun :oops:
i have no idea what one of these is but it sounds awesome!

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