Fed up With Strangers Telling me How Big Maia is

:rotfl: i agree that this must be a continuation of 'oh look how big/small your bump is!!!'

being honest i don't care, we get LOADS of comments about aiden because he's so big, but he's the correct weight for his lengh - he was 60cm at birth and weighed 9lb 8oz.

don't know his length now but he was weighed yesterday and he was 13lb 10oz :lol: i really don't care because my big boy is healthy and very happy, even if he is in some 6 month clothes :rotfl:
midna said:
seed was only 8 3 at birth ...but gained rapidly height and weight she evened out now but still looks thick set .. people often comment saying shes big .. I love it grinning like a cheshire cat and explaining how shes grown on mummy milk :D
I say this too :) I take it as a compliment. As long as no-one is saying my baby is ugly I love the oldies coming over and telling me how gorgeous/big/smiley my baby is. I get it with Seren too as she is tall for her age
yeah I get it all the time too. Swiss babies seem to be really tiny too - there seems to be some kind of pride in having a small baby... they probably think that you over feed a baby if it isn't petite :roll:
I'm just going to start lying when people ask how old she is. Instead of saying 10 months, I'll say 2 and see what they say then :)
I mainly get "she's very tall isn't she" and when she was born people would ask her weight and say she looked smaller.

She's actually just over for weight and head circumference and on the 75th percentile for length, but then she was a week late so if i take her as a week older she's pretty much spot on for everything and only i little bit tall.

I dont care as long as she follows her curve and her length and weights match up, but TBH she's a baby and if she's hungry she'll eat, i'm giving her what she wants and i'll know when she's not getting enough as she'll be unhappy, everyone else can go stick it up their arse!!

Oh and i was very long when i was little and baby daddy is very tall so its only t obe expected that my baby will be long too.
laracomps said:
We get lots of people comment on her length too, e.g. she's as tall as a 6 month old. She is on about the 95th centile for length last time I measured, but only on the 50th for weight.

:shock: Exactly the same as Connie, she's 95th percentile for length and has been bang on 50th for weight since one week old. When she was born she was 8lb 9oz (75th) though.

Whenever anyone asks her birth weight they inevitably follow up with the same as Squiglet says and ask about my Caesarean (because I'm tiny)... HA HA HA I love telling them my labour was just five hours and looking at their shock. It's even better if I can add the bit where she got stuck for an hour or so in the middle :rotfl:
I always took that as a compliment! If your baby is growing big and strong then that is something to be proud of! :D
debecca said:
laracomps said:
We get lots of people comment on her length too, e.g. she's as tall as a 6 month old. She is on about the 95th centile for length last time I measured, but only on the 50th for weight.

:shock: Exactly the same as Connie, she's 95th percentile for length and has been bang on 50th for weight since one week old. When she was born she was 8lb 9oz (75th) though.

Whenever anyone asks her birth weight they inevitably follow up with the same as Squiglet says and ask about my Caesarean (because I'm tiny)... HA HA HA I love telling them my labour was just five hours and looking at their shock. It's even better if I can add the bit where she got stuck for an hour or so in the middle :rotfl:

They are destined to be secret twins! I have stopped buying her sleepsuits now cos I don't want to buy 6-9 month ones! So we are in 3-6 month pj's which are too big round the waist bless her. I caved and got some 6-9 month bodysuits from Asda and they hardly have any growth in them :wall: :wall:
I Always got the opposite people saying isnt she small and almost questioning me when i told them her age, used to really peeeeeeeeeeeeve me!!!
she wasnt a small baby 6lb10oz but she had severe colic and didnt feed very well so didnt gain much at the begining... Tell them to mind there own buisness! Bugs me big time xxxxxxxx
Again, I get the opposite, James is 7 months and about 16lbs. Yes, he's wee, but I'm only 4ft 10, so he's never going to be huge is he! He's not at all fat and he eats loads, but he's so active he uses all the calories. He's an alert, bright little boy so I'm happy enough. If all our LOs were the same life would be very boring!
I get it with harrison too he weighs about 19lb and wears 6-9 month clothing, people always say he's huge I don't care though he's my little chubby champ
Mason was above the 99th centile on exclusive breastmilk. The worst was my nan, who always said stuff like "oh don't worry I'm sure when he starts moving around more he'll lose the weight" Erm nan, I'M not worried... are you? LOL
Oh yes. This is a constant thing for me. James was 10lb 2oz born and in the 99th percentile and then went completely off the charts in height and weight - like 5 bars off the chart.

Well everyone has commented what a big boy he is. It makes me paranoid that people think he is fat and i am overfeeding him - I dont - I gave him what he demanded as all babies do and now all i give him is home cooked veggies and never anything out of a jar.

He is in 12 - 18 month old clothing and ways over 22lb (dont know exactly how much because i dont take him to be weighed as i dont want the looks from the HV who is about as useful as a chocolate teapot anyway) although he is 5 months and yes he is a big boy, but he is also beautiful and gorgeous and he is already running round in his walker, sitting up etc so I think he is just gonna be a little power house. I dont let it bother me now - it used to really p*ss me off and also i would feel a little like i had missed out on having a proper newborn but i wouldnt change him for the world. He is my special little big man and I adore him! :cheer:
What she said! George was 10lb12 and i too felt like i never had a newborn. I got very sick of people asking how old he was and then their eyes going out on sticks like he was some giant freak of nature :-(
He's slowing down in weight gain now, thanks to breast feeding, he's a good feeder so i reckon if he was on formula he'd weigh a couple more pounds. He's way above the 99th percentile in length but because he's slimming down a bit i don't get as many comments now thankfully.
Emms was 6lb 3 when she was born and I always have people commenting on how small she looks! I just think she looks lovely and in proportion. She has been steadily growing and the health visitors have been happy with her weight. She is quite long as well. I was getting fed up with the comments about her being small but I just think she looks delicate and feminine!!
People should just be careful with their comments.
I couldn't care less about that, someone today asked me if Kai was 4?!?!?!? There is no way Kai looks 4, just laugh it off. Also he said to me on the bus if the woman sitting on the bus was my mother. Wait for it, she was Chinese! Says, it all really.

What bothers me more is the constant interference for instance when Kai was around 4 months in May 2 years ago on a really hot day, someone came up to me and said he shouldn't be out at that time and I said he had sunblock on, the bloody woman then says that he is too young for it, and I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting into a debate so just walked off. My baby, my choice. And it has done him no time.

Another person a few months ago, came up to me and shouted out sunblock while pointing to Kai. I was like, what? And he said, that the kid better have it on otherwise he will get burnt. Again walked off, what is the point in debating with people like this.

You can't win, when Kai was a baby, I can guarantee you every time we went out someone, somewhere would make a comment, based on it's too cold, too hot blah blah. If a baby is crying, it is always because they are hungry in a lot of people's eye. The main reason Kai cryed as a baby was because he was tired. Just ignore it, sometimes I would let it bother me, it is absoultely none of their business.
Don't even get me started on this subject as dd is still under 10lbs at 15 weeks old.
My sister got the same commenta about her little girl. She was 9lb 9oz born and followed the 95th centile for most of the 1st year. People always commented on how big she was and my sis got really annoyed.

I am the opposite. My little girl is 10lb 6oz at 15 weeks and is between the 2nd and 9th centiles. She was 7lb 7oz when she was born, but I still get 'was she premature' all the time!

Peole are so annoying! Pah! :evil:

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