We've spent years drumming it into our kids not to talk to strangers, but we've just had the police round after an incident in the local newsagents
We always let Callum and Charlotte go to the shop together on a Saturday afternoon, it's only next door but one and we can watch them go in and come back out. While they were there, this bloke started talking to Callum
Bloke: I think I know your mummy, I went to school with her
Callum: oh right
Bloke: whats' her name again?
Callum: Tracy McCarthy-Allen
Bloke: oh yeah, that's right, I went to school with her
then went on to have a conversation.
This bloke had bypassed all callum's defences just by telling him he knew me. I went to an all-girls school, my surname wasn't the same back then and Callum doesn't look anything like me, we decided to report it to the police. They've just left after taking statements from the shopkeeper, us and Callum. Callum only told us because he thought I might find it exciting that somebody I went to schoool with lived nearby.
I so want to wrap them up in cotton wool and never let them out of my sight again
Stuart's ready to go looking for this bloke with a baseball bat and a few mates
We always let Callum and Charlotte go to the shop together on a Saturday afternoon, it's only next door but one and we can watch them go in and come back out. While they were there, this bloke started talking to Callum
Bloke: I think I know your mummy, I went to school with her
Callum: oh right
Bloke: whats' her name again?
Callum: Tracy McCarthy-Allen
Bloke: oh yeah, that's right, I went to school with her
then went on to have a conversation.
This bloke had bypassed all callum's defences just by telling him he knew me. I went to an all-girls school, my surname wasn't the same back then and Callum doesn't look anything like me, we decided to report it to the police. They've just left after taking statements from the shopkeeper, us and Callum. Callum only told us because he thought I might find it exciting that somebody I went to schoool with lived nearby.
I so want to wrap them up in cotton wool and never let them out of my sight again