Strangers that aren't strangers


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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We've spent years drumming it into our kids not to talk to strangers, but we've just had the police round after an incident in the local newsagents

We always let Callum and Charlotte go to the shop together on a Saturday afternoon, it's only next door but one and we can watch them go in and come back out. While they were there, this bloke started talking to Callum

Bloke: I think I know your mummy, I went to school with her
Callum: oh right
Bloke: whats' her name again?
Callum: Tracy McCarthy-Allen
Bloke: oh yeah, that's right, I went to school with her
then went on to have a conversation.

This bloke had bypassed all callum's defences just by telling him he knew me. I went to an all-girls school, my surname wasn't the same back then and Callum doesn't look anything like me, we decided to report it to the police. They've just left after taking statements from the shopkeeper, us and Callum. Callum only told us because he thought I might find it exciting that somebody I went to schoool with lived nearby.

I so want to wrap them up in cotton wool and never let them out of my sight again :wall: :wall: :wall: Stuart's ready to go looking for this bloke with a baseball bat and a few mates
All I can say in OMG a million times. That is awful, I wonder if they had the fecker on CCTV.

Like you say you don't want to wrap them up in cotton wool but you must be really worried now you poor thing.

I think our society is really going down the pan these days, let's hope our brood can save us from ourselves.

Hope your kiddy winks are ok now.
its horrible there are so many wierdos out there!!

i dont ever want to become one of these possesive horrible mums but the way this world is becoming i really dont think im going to be able to help myself!!!

freaky pervy men and woman out there..

i honestly think i would do murder if any one layed a hand on one of my babies :twisted:
That would really freak me out!!!!! I'm trying to let go slowly and let my kids take small steps towards independence, but I am finding myself to be a bit of a protective freak.
I'm shocked to read about things like that 11 year old girl that was raped in Sainsbury's toilet. Shit happens everywhere but I can't handle the thought of it happening to anyone, let alone us.
Nevermind letting these sick *******s back into the community.... I say, lock them up and chuck the key in the sea!!!
Hope you're ok Tracy.... my DH would be considering doing the same as yours!
Emilia xx
god tracy that is horrible, i hope ur lil pumpkins are ok,

there sure are some hossible people in the world, and i can honestly say it scares the hell oout of me, i am so gonna be an ova protective mum :shock:
Yeah i can't understand how people can do things like that! The sad thing is they usally get away with it! I have first hand experiance of this myself, to cut a long story short when Jess had just turned 4 she was playing out the back when she was invited in a neighbours house to stroke the dog and she went in and he exposed himself to her wouldn't let her go home and tried to pull down her knickers. Anyway without going into to much detail he got away with it even though he had already been cautioned for a similer offence and he was only 15 and " It wasn't in the public interest" to take him to court! Makes me so mad!!!
kwain i would have gone totally ape sh1t.
not in public interest?? wot the HELL?
I know tell me about it, I suppose they will wait till he rapes some poor kid to do anything. What annoys me most is we have found out since his dad is a convicted peodoplile and he was moved here where there are lots of young kids around. It's like they have more rights or something!
god that is disgusting, i would go mental. wot do they think r kids r good meat or summit :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
it winds me up so much, it seems they get more poriority (SPL) than decent hard working caring people(who look after there kids)

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