

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Ok the test i took yesterday was a faint BFP but there the one this am same brand of test was a faint BFP and you had to look carefuly to even see it :? Is it possible to get a false posative? What i mean a BFP on one and a BFN on another im lost now :?
hun get a digital :)

2 things - one is that diff tests can have diff amounts of dye and also your urine can be stronger/weaker giving varying results - so that could explain it as well

hope it gets darker
I took the digi and that was BFN but like i said the line on the test this am was a BFP but fainter than the line on the same brand of test yesterday. Test this am was with FMU the one yesterday wasnt but after several wee's during the day but a more noticable result. :)
why why can't we just have a little pregnant sign on our tummies that lights up when we are - life would be a lot easier :wink:
wait and test again tomorrow like libs said your urine may have had different levels of hcg but try and stick to the same brand, what brand are you using?
is there any way you can send a pic to someone that can upload it for you i love examinin tests
Ive got no credit on my phone but ive got the webcam so il take a picture :)
if i was you, i would get a clear blue digital test as they are very sensitive, and do it first thing tomorrow morning with your 1st urine.

i hope you get the result you are after xxx :cheer:

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