Stork bite!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Since Isaac was born he has had a red rash on the back of his neck. I thought it was a birth mark and always forgot to mention it to the HV. Anyway I asked today and the HV said its called a "stork bite" and its just broken blood vessels on the back of the neck and that most people have it and don't know about it!

Anyone else heard of this?

You learn something new everyday :roll:

Lou :)
ahh is that was that is??

Coby has a patch of them on the back of his head, i have never asked the HV as it allways slipped my mind when i saw her.

Harley has it too, i thought it was where his bib was rubbing ut its there 24/7
i think thats what alex has, my mil commented as my fil has the same.

alex has quite a few dry/inflamed skin patches so although this patch was different i always assumed it was just more of the same.

had no idea it was a common thing, how weird :D

wil have to search for pics on the net to see if it looks the same.

cute name - i guess that came from when the stork brings the baby they hold them by the scruff of the neck like kittens and puppies? always liked the stork story :D

Nathan has this aswell, never knew thats what it was though and I never knew it was so common lol.

Apparently I had this when I was a baby aswell.

Rachel xx
matthew has it!! looks like a heat reah then he has one main bit thats darker
Jamie has it too!! i thought it was a birth mark due to the way he was in the womb...he was face first so had his neck arched backwards! always presumed the mark was because of that!
Ella has this too and I did when I was a baby, I asked the HV about it and she said they say its where the stork brought the baby! She said its a birth mark and thats why I had it too. and that it fades eventually, elaas is starting to go now
Maheen has is too, and it's cute, it's in the shape of a upside down heart! :D

The HV said it should fade gradually, but that it can take quite long.

Mel xx
Zara's got it, I've got it (my Mum told me) and my Grandpa's got it (he's bald). A nice connection I think.
Yup ashtyns got it too, wow maybe we should ask if there are any babies that DONT have it!!!!!!
sera used to have 1 but hv sed it was called an angel kiss lol
Alex has loads of little ones. Callum's is huge - looks like a dragon brought him rather than a stork

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