

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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I think Finn might have it...he has been grizzly for the past week, had a cough for a few days and been generally snotty and miserable. Last night I noticed 3 red spots at the back of his neck ranging from 1mm- 2mm in diameter and raised, like a spot, and today I've noticed 3 more on his forehead. Awaiting doc to ring me back as HV thought it sounded very much like it.

Has your LO had it? Do my description of the spots sound like the start of it?
It's possible, though in my experience the spots usually come up on the chest and back first and spread fairly quickly to other parts of the body. If you're not sure then it may be good to get him checked. It may just be a virus. Has he been in contact with chicken pox recently?

Also, my 2 never had a cough or anything, they were just a bit run down then very itchy. Although, every child will get it slightly differently I guess. Best to get it checked then you should know for sure. Hope he feels better soon :hug:
Doc reckons it is the POX - I've found more on his tummy and back that are kind of blister like. :wall:
Oh yes, that sounds more like it! Great that you getting it over and done with now! Hope he doesn't suffer too much.

I found pirition syrup great for the itching, although you may have to check with the pharmacist as mine were 2 and 5 when they had it. Also good old calamine lotion - but he won't like it cos it makes them cold. And of course calpol for feeling generally rubbish!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww poor Finn lets hope he gets over it for his birthday :(
ds had chicken pox just before his birthday, I gave him the junior piriton because it said suitable from 1 year and I figured he was nearly there. It cleared it up really quickly and after the first night (one of the longest of my life!) didn't suffer too badly.

Hope Finn is feeling better soon :hug:
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Yeh, sounds like it is the pox, Arianna had them a couple of months back.

I was adviced to get the calomine gel, not the lotion as it is kinder to the skin. Then I also gave piriton to stop her itching and made sure she was in loose fitting clothes.

Arianna had the sniffles and a cough before the spots came up too

Hope he gets better real soon!! :hug:
They are like tiny little blisters... And the few days before Tia got them she was just the devil child incarnate. She was so grumpy. While they are blister like, they are still highly infectious... and they won't stop until all the sores have crusted over. Piriton syrup would be your best bed with regards to the itching. I was lucky though Tia hardly itched at all :think:
He's in quite good spirits although I've just checked on him in bed and he was wriggling around all over the place so I wonder if they're starting to itch. Will go to the pharmacy tomorrow and buy some calamine lotion gel & piriton syrup!
He hasn't got too many spots - about 12 or so, so I'm hoping he doesn't erupt over night!
Thanks xx
Ryans started like all over his chest, red but faded ... C01303.jpg

and then when he woke in the morning they were more defined. ... C01309.jpg ... C01313.jpg ... C01306.jpg

Best to get them over with at this age though than when they're older and understand how to scratch :) Also be careful with big ones that you think might be ready to come off, cos if they're not ready they can scar.. x
Thanks for the pics Michelle - that's just what Finn looks like. Fortunately he hasn't got loads on his face yet - they're around his forehead, so under his fringe, and around his nose and mouth. He's got a few under his hair but his back and tummy are quite spotty. His arms and legs don't seem to have many on except the tiniest ones (however I haven't taken his sleepsuit off yet...)
Went to the pharmacy yesterday and got some calamine aqueous cream and piriton medicine but he woke up at midnight last night and spent the night with us.

Poor little chap is having to miss a birthday party today and it's his own birthday on Thursday :(
Once the spots scab over he is no longer infectious iirc. Only until then. Once scabbed he can carry on as normal out and about.
Sherlock said:
Once the spots scab over he is no longer infectious iirc. Only until then. Once scabbed he can carry on as normal out and about.
Will they all scab over? Even the little ones that are like zits rather than the blisters?

Baaaad night. He cried most of it and his Dad took him downstairs at 2.30... :sleep:

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