Stopping breastfeeding and periods returning


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Am totally confuzzled, Iv stopped breastfeedin Jam and have been takin the pill everyday continuously since he was born so what happens with my periods??

Do I stop takin the pill for a week for a period or just carry on and itl come when its ready?? :think:

Or tell me to see my doc lol :lol:

Any help would be greatly appreciated girls, ta very much!

Have you been taking it without a break? If so then when you finish your current pack I'd have a week break before you start your next. Sorry if I've misunderstood though :)
So if Iv got 10pills left in this pack, do I finish them and have a pill free week before I start the next pack? What if I dont have a period? :shock:

Thanks Kina lol
Is it the normal pill that you're taking?

If you don't have a period then don't panic, it's been a while since you've had a break. I'd continue taking a pack, having a week break, then starting again for 2-3 months and if still no periods go and see your GP/Nurse.
Also some women's periods don't return for a while because of breastfeeding, I think the average age of the baby is 14 months by the time they return and I think Jam is about that isn't he?
It will probably take a little while for your hormones to settle, but if you're worried then it's best to get checked out :)

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