No periods and clueless! Pls help


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Apr 25, 2012
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Hi all im 33 yrs old and after reading some threads on here have come to conclusion I am a complete clueless novice at this baby making lark!! lol
I have been on the pill for many years .. 16 years to be exact! I am in a stable loving relationship, am reasonably healthy and of good weight. We have decided to stop trying not to get pregnant and see what happens :-)
I stopped taking the pill (yasmin) back in September and since then have only had one period early Jan (maybe a withdrawal?)
Since then nothing / nada. I do plan to go to the doctors soon to have a chat and realise at 33 im not a spring chicken! I eat well exercise and take daily vitamins including folic acid.
Any advice on here .. does it sometimes just take a little longer for periods to start regularly again. I have seen some threads on here about recording my temperature in the mornings ... any advice gratfeully received :-)
Hey Lulu, I think I'd probably go see the doc if I were you. I also came off Yasmin back in December, and although my cycles have been irregular (between 28 and 38 days) I've still had a period every month. It's probably nothing to worry about, as the pill can affect cycles for up to a year but it's always best to check. Plus, there might be something your doctor can do. In terms of temperature taking, it's helpful as it can pinpoint when you're ovulating. However, if you're not having periods, you won't be ovulating x

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