Stopped feeling pregnant - really scared

I was too busy thinking, am I going to see a baby so by the time I had seen baby through the belly scan I was like okay double check the HB would hate for her to have made a mistake and then because I said no to an internal I would be at fault kinda xxx
Honestly Kat Im sure your fine, I had all the same worries and tbh loads of people told me Id be fine on here but me being me I still worried anyway, our words may reassure you a bit but obviously youd be aswell with an early scan for peace of mind, If I didnt have my early scan god knows how I would have got to 12 weeks! xxx
Thank you again for your reassuring words Russellmuscle :-) yup, I have decided to talk to my OH tonight and tell him we are definately going for an early scan! :-)
Just book one soon for a few weeks time so you have something to look forward to!! I can't wait now! I have GP appointment 11th July and the week after that I will have my early scan. And then we'll be in tri 2 before we know it ;)

Russellmuscle, how much was your scan? Just curious how much they vary by counties etc.

Just book one soon for a few weeks time so you have something to look forward to!! I can't wait now! I have GP appointment 11th July and the week after that I will have my early scan. And then we'll be in tri 2 before we know it ;)

Russellmuscle, how much was your scan? Just curious how much they vary by counties etc.

I will talk to my OH tonight and then book in an early scan for a couple of weeks time. I've already made some enquiries: in Nottingham 2 places charge £75 and another I think charged around £110.
As both me and my OH have stopped smoking we will have plenty of spare change to save up over the next couple of weeks, and it will be great that the money will go on something so special :-)
Well done, that's great :) I've found 2, babybond for £99 but they do scans in my workplace so that would be awkward so have to go for the other one which is a nice private clinic an they charge £95.

Now just need to book my antenatal yoga and swimming and I'm all done :) xx

I really wouldn't worry, 6 weeks is still very early x
Mine wasn't a private scan berit, it was with emergancy gynae, as I work in the hospital they gave me an appt I had jus waited at a and e then went up but this was because I was panicing about the brown blood.

I think its about 75 pounds roughly in glasgow I'm sure I seen that somewhere on one of the scanning sites as I've booked a 3/4D scan for my 28th week, I jus can't get enough lol.

Good luck convincing OH kat :p xxxx
Thanks russellmuscle, OH didn't need any convincing - I burst into floods of tears when he got home tonight and told him how upset I had been today. He said it would be a very good idea to get an early scan to hopefully put my mind at ease :-) Just need to book ourselves in over the next few weeks :-) Hopefully no more meltdowns for me lol xx
I'm sure after you see little bean you'll be fine, although I was still kinda nervous until my 12 week but not as scared as my first few weeks.

Maybe do as berit says and book it for a couple of weeks so you know the date and it will give you something to look forward to, and a new wee ticker :) xxx
Yeah, fab idea :-) I will make some enquiries over the weekend - I'm starting to get excited now already lol :-)
Yeah sometimes you just need something to take off your mind the fact your growing a human being inside you, you know lol? Have a wee browse about and book it and start counting down the days :) the best thing you can do xxx
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I am 6 weeks pregnant today and I started getting pregnancy symptoms really early after I conceived. My boobs were very sore straight away and continued to feel tender, my sense of smell was heightened, I've been emotional - bursting into tears at silly things, my stomach is very bloated so i cant do my trousers up (particularly in the afternoon & evening), and I have felt totally exhausted in the afternoons this week.
But, I noticed yesterday my symptoms didn't seem to be so obvious, and today they seem to have gone completely. I'm sure I'm being totally irrational but I feel different, I don't feel pregnant anymore :shock: I'm sitting at home on my own absolutely terrified something has happened to my baby and I don't know what to think or do :cry:

Is it normal for pregnancy symptoms to disappear and for the baby to still be ok or is this a sign something is wrong? I don't have any cramping or bleeding so far...........

Please can anyone advise me, I am sooooo scared :cry:
Thank you xx

I feel exactly the same! I've been worried since I found out I was pregnant anyway! The only symptoms I had were sore boobs, constipation and random bouts of sadness. In the last few days I've stopped crying, I'm not constipated and my boobs feel a bit better. I was panicking so I peed on a stick this morning and a big dark red line appeared almost instantly. It's put my mind at rest for now. Just have to wait it out. It's horrible but what ever is going to happen is out of our control.
I haven't really felt pregnant for 4-5 days now. Apart from being bloated I feel pretty normal - weird!!!

Eeekkk, this pregnancy thing really is traumatic isn't it?! Lol. FX we all have a happy and healthy pregnancy :hugs: xxxxx

On a positive note - I have been feeling much calmer these past 2 days after my meltdown. My symptoms seem to come and go, and at times I've been so busy I've forgotten momentarily that I am pregnant lol. Then I get a sharpe twinge in my lower abdomen and that jogs my memory :-) I've noticed the past few nights I have been woken several times when I turn over and get a twinge. It's strangely quite reassuring actually :-)
I am sure we will be fine ;) I have been relatively calm as well - I have just kept repeating to myself that whatever is happening, I cannot control it at the moment so I might as well be happy and enjoy it. Saying that I cannot wait to get my scan!! Xx

Hey hun, what everyone else has said is right! Symptoms come and go in tri 1. I've had 4 mc's and my symptoms only went after I'd miscarried. The doctors always told me not to worry unless you're bleeding, and even then it could be an implantation bleed. I've also had scans at 6 weeks. You should be able to see a heartbeat already, and maybe the start of a foetal pole. Don't worry, and try to relax! I'm sure everything will be fine xxx
Yay for positive vibes :-)
You're right berit, we have no control over what happens so all we can do is sit tight and wait patiently for the next 9 months to pass - yeah right lol xx
Is this your first baby?

I was a nightmare with S. I worried about everything, firstly because i didn't feel pregnant and I wanted to see a MW straight away, they wouldn't let me have by booking in appt til 8 weeks. Then i was worrying because I grew so quickly i thought i was having twins! Turns out she was only one baby but a 9lb 14oz one! lol.

Worrying is one of the first things you will do as a mummy and you will continue to do so for the rest of your life.

I'm glad from your later posts you are feeling a bit more reassured now.

Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!
Well I'm on my 3rd and I still don't feel any more confident :p if anything I swear I used to be more chilled out :p

OH is already worried as I was laid back with my first son but very over protective with my second so who knows how I'm gonna be with our third :p


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