stop smoking tips?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Iv cut down from 15-20 a day to 2 a day sometimes 3.
Im finding it SO hard to cut down from 2-3 a day down to 1.
I just need that morning fag and evening fag.
Im so so so irratable because of it and last night was in flods of tears because I wanted a fag. I know that sounds totally pathetic lol
Has anyone got any tips on how to cut down to a really small amount and then iventually stop?
Could you have half a one in the morning and finish it at night? I used to do that when I smoked...mainly cos I was tight with my money lol!

Or what I found really helped was to carry one of those small bottles of mouthwash with me and whenever I craved one I would have a swig and having a fresh mouth made me feel like I didn't want one after all iykwim? I do the same thing to stop myself snacking on crisps now :)
Never heard of doing the mouthwash thing but will give it a try. what if your out though, where do you spit it out after having a swig? haha xx
Don't have any other advice that hasnt been mentioned, but good luck x
Boots do a little minty breath spray you can keep in your bag :)
Good luck with this Lilly, hope you manage to cut down x
Literally cold turkey. Before I got pregnant I was on 20-30 a day and as soon as I found out I just threw them all away and didnt buy any. Easier said than done and I have cracked a few times but I've got to the stage now where cigarette smoke just smells awful and puts me off f I ever crave. xx
I have no personal experience, but my mum gave up after smoking for about 40 years - hers was a 40 a day habit, but she was ill and was scared to smoke because of the pain when she coughed. She was ill for about 2 weeks and she decided not to go back to them. Even now she still feels like one, but knows if she has one, that'll be it!

My OH gave up cold turkey too in October last year. Decided he didn't want to smoke any more, and didn't. He had a really sore mouth when giving up, and nearly gave in twice - the first time the shop was shut and the second time he changed his mind half way there. Although I wanted him to quit, I never pressured him, knowing it had to be his decision.

Not really much help, just wanted to say that it's possible!!!

Good luck hun xxx
I struggled when pregnant, I got down to 5 a day, but when I was 18 weeks gone, I woke up 1 morning lit up and suddenly thought 'i really dont want to do this anymore!' and then didn't touch 1 again, well untill a couple of weeks ago!
So maybe it will happen for you aswell hun!
Good luck!

Tbh you have to be really stubborn with yourself :(

I was a heavy smoker (30 a day+) so I went on nicotine replacement gum and then patches and then zilch :)

I've been smoke-free 10 years this November :yay:

You CAN do it, anyone can if I can :hug:
Mamafy 10 years that's fab! I was off them 18 months but went back on, don't ask why:wall2:

When pregnant Lilly I just went off them, I don't know how, I think it just hit me that I was protecting a baby and it was my responsibility to do everything I could to keep him healthy.. It was like a big fat reality slap :lol: sorry that's probably useless, but that's what happened with me, it's great that you have cut down, now you just have to find a way that suits you to wean off them completely x
As Mamafy says - you need to be so strong with yourself. I quit cold turkey (after 7 years of 20+ a day) within a few days of my BFP. Luckily the morning sickness helped and by the time I had a bump to look at (I was an early show-er!) that alone was enough to put me off cigs. I'll have quit for 2 years this Dec :-D

I wont lie, i've had the odd drag here and there since LO was born (after a drink or two...) but it tastes vile and I always ask myself how I inhaled such disgusting stuff before I was pregnant. It's strange, it smells amazing after a tipple but it still tastes shit lol!
Dont want to sound harsh hun but just think every time you light up think of your baby, i gave up once i found out i was preg nearly 6 yrears ago, you can do it hun!! x

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