channel 4 aged 12

I was watching this last night, it was disgusting! The poor little girls caring for all those kids and the parents just expecting them to do it. My heart was breaking when one of the girls broke down saying she didn't like being at home because she didn't like having to look after the children, and when the sister said about her suicide attempt well it makes you want to go over there and physically remove the kids from the obviously unfit and LAZY parents! I know they are blind but it is so selfish to have children just so they can take care of them in their old age (their words, the more kids the more to look after them).

I'm sorry, i know it's every persons human right to have children but i think that mother should be sterilised! I don't want to offend anyone, this is just my opinion.
They should be able to get carers to look after them and not rely on their kids. They will be financially assessed though and on their income would have to pay a contribution because they get DLA. Wouldnt be much and certainly not all of the DLA but some of it. Beer and fag money :roll:

You see people in the local papers kicking off all the time about "Care charges" when in fact they will be claiming additional benefits that will cover most if not all of the charges and its only those folk who have considerable savings that have to pay full cost, but again they will be entitled to disability benefits to offset that.

Years ago the council I worked for then withdrew cleaning as a service so that meant if you needed help with cleaning you had to pay private about £10 a week. The fuss it caused then you have to try and get through to people that thats what their £55 a week attendance allowance was supposed to be for :shakehead:

If social services werent involved before that programme they certainly will be now.
thank god it's not just me!!!!
i was shouting at the telly - feeling like a bit of a Hitler saying that they shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
But you shouldn't have kids if you can't afford them and more importantly are not in a fit state of mind to look after them.
i'm not saying it because they had a disability, but because they were just plain STUPID!!!!
And they were both supposedly blind, but the dad could see well enough to drive a disabled buggy down the road while the mum walked after him.
if you can see well enought to drive one of those things then you can see well enough to change a shitty nappy imo.
how is it that these people can just churn out kids when other people who would really love kids can't even have one - there's no justice.
and where are social services!!!!!!!!!!

:evil: :evil: :evil:
I watched that last night. Utterly disgusted. For the family with 6 kids (blind parents) trying for more kids simply to have enough kids to care for them when old is disgusting. The kids sit in dirty clothing all day, one poor kid was dragged across the floor to have his nappy changed (after sitting in it all day because the older sisters were at school and parents didn't do it) he was given a clean nappy but still had pooh all up his legs. The babies just sleeping on the filthy floor when ever they fell asleep etc. OMG I just just shocked, the parents didn't seem to care, they were smoking in front of the baby(s), drinking beer and sorry but if the husband can read 'slightly' he can also pick up a bloody hoover or change a nappy. Social services take kids away from good parents who just can't read or something yet families like that are allowed to continue breeding. That woman needs sterilised!!

Oh and the fat lazy mother with a 14 year old boy. Well she can stuff her face full of food, sew, stroke the cat and use the television remote contol so why the f*ck can't she iron, wash dishes or prepare a simple meal? She could do so on a stool if easier - OMG I feel so sorry for the children featured in that programme and with the evergrowing family of 6 I thought several times throughout it that I could give those babies such a better standard of living, clean clothes, their own bed, nappy changes when needed not waiting around all day for older sibblings who are at school - imaging pooping at 9am and having to sit in it till your sister got home at 4pm type thing. Oh I was shocked and so upset by that. You really would think social services would and could do more in that house!!

Rant over.....just sooo upsetting/disturbing!!
OMFG I had no idea about this, and im glad I missed it because just reading this post has made me angry enough!

Seriously, some people dont deserve to have kids.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I believe people should be licensed to have kids! If it stops things like this happening then it would be worth the extra little bit of hassle.

I was brought up in that kind of environment with a morbidly obese mum, no dad and 2 little sisters to look after.

I hate my mother for what she put us through and it makes me sick that its allowed to go on.
last nights show really really got to me! it was totaly heart breaking the filthy minging rumper suit the babies stuck in that boiling hot room asleep on the floor! their bums were filthy i dare not think how often they have a wash!
it turned my stomach seeing the babies cry and lay in the middle of a filthy floor! i dont no how social services etc have the stomach to do the jobs they do. ild have to slap the parents!

that father drinking at 9am smoking non stop!
she lost the baby but was going to try again and not let nature beat her!!!! i hope nature wins that battle.
I read about the blind parents somewhere before, they were offered care at home, but they declined, saying they had care... their kids.

I didnt watch the program, as it would just upset me, i'm sure social will be involved surely. Esp if one kid has tryed to commit suicide.

There are lots of blind parents out there and i am sure they do alot more than those two... they are just using their blindness as an excuse to be lazy.

Sorry but i have worked with blind people before and they can be just as able as us.
Hypnorm said:
i'm sure social will be involved surely. Esp if one kid has tryed to commit suicide.

i hope so. but they ended the show saying, the mum and dad are still truing for a baby but now smoke out side only. and the girls(older children) now have 1 hour a week doing activities after school to give them a break........

:cheer: makes me feel much better.................... NOT
I saw it but had to turn it off near the end I was ready to throw something at the telly. God love those two girls they had no love shown to them that older girl didn't even seem to be bothered that her younger sister tried to kill herself she never gave her siblings a kiss or a cuddle cos her parents never gave her any affection. The mum and dad never gave hugs or anything to anyof the kids and even said well they have to do the work or otherwise would lose their carer title and them sitting outside smoking and drinking. It reminded me of that RSPCC add the one with the baby in the cot with the empty bottle. I don't know how that little boy wasn't run over by a car the way he just runs in and out of the garden gate.

:shock: :shock: :shock: WTF.

That mother didn't seem all their either imagine the show producer having to tell her to go see if her baby was alright after splitting his lip and then they just leave the other baby asleep in the middle of the flithy dirty floor. It was outragous. I certainly think those poor children would be better off taken into care. It was so upsetting watching it.
I didnt watch iot but reading this im realy upsets me and WHERE THE FUCK ARE SOCIAL SERVICES THEN! What are they waiting for one of the babies to die before they do normal for social services these days :x

God sometimes I feel bad if we are not going out I just leave Jakob in his babygrow that he slept in untill he has his bath (unless its dirty of course!!) .... Babies should have baths often, jakob has a bath every day..should be in clean clothes, sleep in a clean environment, be looked after, have their nappies changed regularilily or STRAIGHT AWAY if they are loved..but these children are the complete opposite and the parents are getting away with it...Just because they are blind!!! :evil:
I saw this and was in shock too. Good to know that those in charge have their priorities right and are chasing little old ladies who have not paid their above inflation rate council tax but can't touch these 'parents' because of that old gem called 'political correctness'. I'm so pleased that my tax is going to subsidise such a worthwhile human right - beer and fags, whilst those poor children languish in that dirty hell of a house and attempt suicide.
There are lots of blind parents out there and i am sure they do alot more than those two... they are just using their blindness as an excuse to be lazy.

Sorry but i have worked with blind people before and they can be just as able as us.

I dont think anyone stated otherwise...even if the parents wernt blind people would be making the same comments, I havnt seen anyone sterio type all blind parents.....have you?

Fact is they are getting away with it because of their disability
cassi said:
There are lots of blind parents out there and i am sure they do alot more than those two... they are just using their blindness as an excuse to be lazy.

Sorry but i have worked with blind people before and they can be just as able as us.

I dont think anyone stated otherwise...even if the parents wernt blind people would be making the same comments, I havnt seen anyone sterio type all blind parents.....have you?

Fact is they are getting away with it because of their disability

I dont think that was directed at anyone here but just pointing out she knows from experience blind people can be more able than those 2 on the program?

Sorry for butting in :oops:
Channel 4 forum is going mad and their local paper is being bombarded as is Bicester social services. ... p#comments

That other lady has fibromyalgia. Well whoopie do! Ive had it 4 years and it hardly affects me now because when I got the diagnosis I got MEDICATION I also got off my arse and fought it and if that means some days crawling up the stairs on my hands and knees I do it. I got turned down for DLA because I didnt allow myself to BE affected by it.
i dont agree with them having paint etc thrown over the house. poor girl will prob get bullied more at school now :(

but i hope something is done about it. i want to complain who do i complain to??? not that it will make a difference but will make me feel beter :D
You know his kids will not be there looking after them in their old age they will sod off as soon as they are able and never come back. They will be full of rage and hate and coldness towards them because you get what you give.
I loved my folks dearly because I was loved and cherished as a child, I was shown respect and freedom. Allowed a childhood and to grow into a healthy well ajusted adult, when my mother got sick I would have done anything for her and wish that I could have had more time with her to show her how much I loved her and to give back a little bit of what she gave me.
I hope that these children are taken from them and put into care(even care homes are better than the filth and degridation they have now) hopefully into loving homes.
Every one of thier children deserve a childhood. If anyone was to keep 6 dogs and not clean up after them and feed them and keep them clean and loved they would get thrown in jail.
I didnt watch it but just read this:
"I opened the back door and saw this blue paint there, so I phoned the police, and as I was talking to them a big tub of paint came over."

If he's registered blind then how'd he see the paint :think:
Exactly ;)

Can see paint but cant see his children clearly enough to keep them clean.

What I find worrying is that more and more educated and hard working folk cant afford to have children yet people with barely 2 braincells to rub together have kids willy nilly and EXPECT the state to support them.
What does that bode for in future generations?
I would take those kids into my home tomorrow if asked, no hesitation, no doubt what-so-ever. FFS get those kids out of there and sterilise the pair of them. How dare they have kids just to look after them, its sickening!

I called social services on a "friend" once as she had 4 kids who were sleeping on a blanket on the floor in a cold damp room, all had asthma, she never knew where they were (even the youngest at 2) they were always out playing in the street with no shoes, and to top it all she started getting regular visits from a known peadophile.

I was told unless a member of the family, ie one of the kids, made a complaint there was nothing they could do.

The eldest girl (about 13 I think she was) then went on to sexually abuse the 6 year old daughter of a friend of mine. It was obviouse she was being abused and neglected at home and was just mimicking this, but it shouldnt have happened. It shouldnt have gotten that far.

These kids need to be taken care of and away from these sick people before they grow up into even sicker individuals.
for thoses that missed it
Programme repeated Friday morning (9th Feb) 3.20am- 4.20am Channel 4.

i have just got this off another forum :wink:

"I have spoken today to Louise Bailey (Duty officer Child and families assessment Team, Oxfordshire Council 01295 252421), and she told me that she can't tell me anything about the children but if I would like to write my feelings/thoughts in an email ([email protected]) she will pass it on to her Senior. It seems that our views will only be taken seriously if they are put in writing/in an email so please, everyone must email Louise Bailey"

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