channel 4 aged 12

Right ladies this will b a long post from me- i have just seen it and hense the time of morning, lol and i have made notes on which i can email the social services - this is all the things i made notes on:

Family 1 - 6 children + hoping for more.
- Baby eating on the floor
-baby fell asleep bottom of stairs, film maker said to mum about movin her to bed, they said no its not late enough :shock:
-baby sleeps in the travel cot over nite !!
- kid said she didnt like cuddles :( thats just sad :(
-mum and dad "proud" there is nothing to be proud of as far as im concerned, their poor kids deserve much better !
- the mother kept smiling, i dont kno weather this to do with her condition or out but its certainly nothing to smile about
- dont use plates - to save on washing up ! :shock:
- father "want to give my children what i never had" (he was abused as a child, what they do or not do as the case maybe is still abusing just a dif kind, its called neglect"
-6.30am the film crew enter kids bedroom- the windows kept locked the room was airless, so much so the camera started steaming up :shock:
- father says he is blind, if this is the case he wouldnt have known exactly where to go to pick baby out of travel cot!! :shock:
- mother was a midwife and smoked in pregnancy - again smiling :evil:
- father "not really affected ours" said that when film maker aproached the smoking in house topic, and of corse it affects all children- no child is not afected by smoke !!:shock:
-nappy changes when older kids get in from school- shitty nappies all day long :shock:
-film maker said" they undoubtly love their kids" - is she mad, this isnt love!!
-the 8 year old girl, Jenny put a black bag over herself in a suicide attempt
- miscarriage midway through preg, - perhaps its a blessing
- another miscariage - again a blesssing perhaps?
- baby grow never changed in the whole filming, it was dirty, and discusting :(
- Hospital advised after second miscarriage to "try again" mother and father said i think this is a lie, after any miscarriage they usually advice to leave a few months.

Family 2 - woman with 1 son

I personally think she could do more
she tried overdosing
she knows he has missed out on childhood

thats the difference with the familes family 2 she knows hes missed out and is missing out, the family 1 just go on like its the kdis job to do it and they dont seem to care.
Another thing the eldest of family 1 said that she would not be having her own children.
This seems a great shame.
I think they are all perfect little children and they are beeing severly neglected and this saddens me :(
I sat here in tears watchin this programme, its such a sad story.
These children featured tonite deserve so much better than this, no child deserves what these poor children go through.
These kids need love, clean clothes and a bath.
This has angered me and i shall be posting my email here so you can read exactly what ive put.

Where abouts were these familys do you know ?
Minime said:

"The 39-year-old said he was worried his children could be taken into care." - they should be taken away yes

"But Mr Craig said the Channel 4 programme, titled "Aged 12, and Looking After the Family" was biased and unfair."
- seemed to show a real clear light on this kind of subject actually

"Mr Craig insisted: "I don't think we are doing anything wrong."" oh my fucking god ! :shock:
oh my bloody god, ive just been readin this news thread
was gunna comment on it all .. till i saw which county council are responsible and i tell you this now - i should have bloody known this.

I grew up in Oxfordshire, and lets just say they some how took my brother away for adoption but left me and my newborn sister with an abusive mother :(

They did make one house call, but it (my mom) pretended to b out like she always did and then it was a closed case.

We had to grow up, beeing mentally and physically abused, i was thrown down the stairs at 5 years old and needed a wheel chair :shock:

I also remember for my 5th birthday we went out for a birthday suprise.
I wasnt allowed to know what it was either :(
Arived somewhere with alot of mirrors and white plastic chairs, i remember this like it was yesterday :(
We were told to go through into this room, i was made to lie on this scary chair like a dentists chair, i remember a blue ish green felt tip pen goin to my ears, then before i knew it i was in sheer aggony :shock:
I had had an ear pierced :shock:
Here i was led here thinking id get a huge presant all wrapped up comin in in a min but no i was sat in this chair in absalute aggony, i jumped up screaming, and all "It" said "look here, look in this mirror dont you look cute now"
as if i didnt look cute already ??
I was made to lie down and had the other one done too.

so basically this is no sheer shock to me, there is al kinds of crazy shit goin on in oxfordshire :( - part of the reason i moved outta Oxfordshire.

and if n e one wants to kno all the other kids of crazy shit that i had to put up with let me kno i can tell you everything :o :shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Very very disturbing.

My main concerns were that the baby in the cot upstairs, it was placed right next to a radiator so if he fell against it he would certainly scald. The father threw bread at the same child on the filthy floor like feeding ducks and how old is that kid? All I saw it eat were bread and chips. They dont use plates to save on washing up yet hardly have a clean surface to eat off. That poor little Jenny is close to a breakdown and her selfish father said "She's got to do things around the house or she won't be allowed into the carers group"

If a 12 year old had a baby of their own then social services would almost certainly be involved and would monitor closely. Those kids might as well belong to the 12 and 8 year old.

Nobody ensured that the kids were actually in a bed/cot in the evening hense why one was sleeping on a filthy floor. Being blind does not make you incapable of providing a certain level of care. They clearly did nothing to ensure their children were safe and settled into the cots at night.

What possible excuse is there to leave a child in a filthy nappy all day? Again you dont need eyesight to know when a child needs changing. It wasnt as if the kid had only just done it, the shit was encrusted on the kids legs. Poor Jenny did try her best to clean him but why the hell should she have to? What were her parents BUSY doing? They dont even prepare a meal at night but send the eldest to the chippy so how are they so busy to not see their own children are in bed, and are clean? None of them had a bath either and I couldnt believe the dirt on the babies hands. I am surprised he hasn't caught infection after infection.
One word sums it up - NEGLECT

Onto the woman with fibromyalgia. What a selfish mare she is! I have that condition and I'm sorry, I understand the pain entirely but why should the boy have to do everything? If she's in that much pain then she wont be leaving the house so why does she need her clothes ironing? If she's that bad she will be receiving DLA so why cant she use that to pay for a cleaner to help out or carers to come in and make meals. Thats what the care component is for! Does she pay her son? Doubt it.
When I've been really bad with fibro I wouldnt dream of asking DD of doing more than making a drink for me, she's my child not my carer. When I got the diagnosis I spent hours and hours researching causes and cures and got off my backside and fought it, doesnt affect me in the slightest now except I cant walk very far sometimes. And thats without any kind of medication anymore.
She proudly says how independent her son is, does he have any choice? Oh he can cook and clean and iron, thats nice yes and will put him in good stead for the future but fairs fair, if she's going through a bad period of fibro she should be using her DLA to pay for help not dump it all on her son. Can see him hotfooting it to the army as soon as he's old enough.
And to attempt suicide, well how much more selfish can she be on that kid?


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