channel 4 aged 12

Unfortunately the fingers always point at social services first. They dont have crystal balls although some users believe they do. They dont know whats going on unless somebody actually bothers to pick up a phone and tell them. What about the kids teachers? They have DAILY contact with these kids and surely they should be the first to raise concern? What about the health visitor? They should have contact with the younger ones. The doctor or hospital who treated the older girl for attempted suicide? Social Services only become involved WHEN they receive a complaint as GGG has said.

They have had contact in the past and refused help which is their perogative, the kids were probably turned out well for the visit as often happens and unless one of the wider network actually says something then how are they expected to know? Do you know how your neighbours live? Do you know if their houses are clean? We all hear of kids who wander the street and live in filth but who actually picks the phone up and tells social services?

Damned if they do damned if they dont. You often hear people protesting that a social worker has been round after their kid has had an accident. Its automatic policy of A&E on certain injuries to inform SS. Social workers dont just turn up to anyone with kids there would be an outcry if they did. They need people to TELL them what's going on. No use muttering under your breath about the state of the kids from down the road, RING THEM, they take anonymous referrals on kids all the time.
I watched this and was utterly mortified that they would show this on TV in the first place. As soon as the film makers saw what was happening they should have stopped filming and called social services. I have never felt compelled to complain about a tv programme before - until now. Those poor poor kids, everyone one of them was abused in some way, and those parents, blind or not, were a discrace. They need locking up if you ask me. I can't believe anyone would admit to having children to look after them in later life. I doubt any of those kids will stick around, they will probably go on to hate their parents and rightly so.
Oh and to add, what about the producers who clearly spent weeks with this family, what did THEY do?
Minime said:
Oh and to add, what about the producers who clearly spent weeks with this family, what did THEY do?

Thats a good point!

Im hoping that the levels of complaints are high enough to force social services into action, can you imagine the outcry if nothing is done?
I totally agree that last nights programme was disgusting. I firmly believe that people should only be allowed children if they can pay for them and care for them themselves.
I often look at big families like this where neither parent works and wonder why they do it (is it for the benefit. I am actually of the opinion that after one child you should not be entitled to benefit for more children). What makes me cross is that they obviously can't and whats more don't care (both physically and mentally) for the children they have and they want more. I don't understand why!!
i saw the advert and to be honest even that upset me. My cousin was forced to look after his brothers and sisters from an early age because his parents couldnt be botherd, i wouldnt wish that on any one. I know people are entitled to there opinions and all that but if it was me and i knew i couldnt look after them then i wouldnt have them.
i had some dealing with child protection whilst doing my nurse training. it was a minefield, we couldnt even go in the house unless the mum agreed, its a joke. this womans 4 year old was plying on a train crossing when the rails were down and it was her decsion if we came in her house.
social services and hv have got a crappy job when it comes to child protection, theres sooo much red tape.
i am so glad i missed this awful programme, its sounds sooo bad.
:cry: :cry:
i will :pray: these children are put with foster parents/care & treated how children should be.
in my eyes every child is a gift from god & it breaks my heart that people like this all around the world can have these children & abuse them.
dionne said:
for thoses that missed it
Programme repeated Friday morning (9th Feb) 3.20am- 4.20am Channel 4.

i have just got this off another forum :wink:

"I have spoken today to Louise Bailey (Duty officer Child and families assessment Team, Oxfordshire Council 01295 252421), and she told me that she can't tell me anything about the children but if I would like to write my feelings/thoughts in an email ([email protected]) she will pass it on to her Senior. It seems that our views will only be taken seriously if they are put in writing/in an email so please, everyone must email Louise Bailey"

thanks Dionne i will watch it and i shall post mi thoughts here and i think ill have a lot to say lol
I must admit it does sound really horrific :( and once ive watched it i too will be emailing the appropriate person, esp as i got all this shit goin of at the moment with the social services :shock:
Ok sooo I emailed her, and I am absolutly disgusted that it took them this long to do something about it, it took complaints from the public! its sick...if they are doing anything that is! I mean where the fuck were the health visitors when the babies were born? Did they think it was suitable conditions?
:x If one of those children dies, there will be uproar.

My email:

I shall make this short as im sure you have had many novels sent to your email box. But those children need to be taken out of that house. They need love, warmth, clean clothes, food, & a proper upbringing. Isnt it enough that one of the daughters has threatened suicide. Well what are the others going to be like when they get to her age. When will they be moved out of that house, when one of them does actually commit suicide or die from the conditions they are living in. I think it is disgusting that it has taken them being on that show for social services to get involved (if they even are, which I should really, really hope so). Social services and health visitors are there to determine wether parents are fit to look after their children, and if they are looking after them, so why on earth was this lady allowed to have so many children and keep them under such disgusting and foul conditions, the things I have heard have bought me to tears. And im sure, wether or not you have children, you are most saddened by this aswell.

I just hope to god someone does something about this before something happens.

Best regards, and good luck.

Cassie Phillips
Thats a great email cassi, I just hope it doesnt fall on deaf ears!

This has been on my mind a lot, and Ive been remembering what my childhood was like - I havnt seen the programme but it does sound similiar.

My mum was morbidly obese, and my dad left when I was about 6 leaving my mum with me, and 2 little sisters 5 and 3. All my mum done all day every day was lie on the sofa watching tv and stuffing her face, she didnt drink or smoke and was very proud of that as if it made everything else ok lol.

She stopped doing dinners, cleaning, getting up in the mornings, and it soon fell to me to take care of my sisters and my mum which I done until I was 14, when I left school and home and was very close to becoming a drug addict. It was only getting pregnant at 16 that saved me from all that.

Anyway my point is, these kids will only put up with it for so long, and when they have had enough and leave home, they will never look back.

This sick couple will end up lonely and sad with no family around them - and it will serve them right.

I just hope the kids can pick themselves up and deal with such a tragic childhood and become normal functioning adults without too many emotional scars.
I too will post my email when ive seen and written one

to be honest i feel violently sick when reading anything like this that people do to their children, i was abused as i grew up, mentallyand physically.

And it just makes me sick
you have children to love, care forr them etc.. not to be treated as wat u ladies r describing,

im now saw here in tears after a progamme i havent even seen yet :(

:pray: :pray: :pray:

to all suffering children out there xx
glitzyglamgirl said:
Thats a great email cassi, I just hope it doesnt fall on deaf ears!

This has been on my mind a lot, and Ive been remembering what my childhood was like - I havnt seen the programme but it does sound similiar.

My mum was morbidly obese, and my dad left when I was about 6 leaving my mum with me, and 2 little sisters 5 and 3. All my mum done all day every day was lie on the sofa watching tv and stuffing her face, she didnt drink or smoke and was very proud of that as if it made everything else ok lol.

She stopped doing dinners, cleaning, getting up in the mornings, and it soon fell to me to take care of my sisters and my mum which I done until I was 14, when I left school and home and was very close to becoming a drug addict. It was only getting pregnant at 16 that saved me from all that.

Anyway my point is, these kids will only put up with it for so long, and when they have had enough and leave home, they will never look back.

This sick couple will end up lonely and sad with no family around them - and it will serve them right.

I just hope the kids can pick themselves up and deal with such a tragic childhood and become normal functioning adults without too many emotional scars.

Thats terrible, at least you ended up 100 times better than her... :hug: :hug:

And thanks, I too hope it dosn't fall on deaf ears, However it was typed out quickly in anger and dissapointment very early in the morning (Jakob woke up), so the spelling, grammar and punctuation is terrible! But I hope they still take it seriously. I really do.

Thanks Cassi :hug:

Im hoping to record the programme so I can see it for myself and then Ill probably email them myself!
glitzyglamgirl said:
Thanks Cassi :hug:

Im hoping to record the programme so I can see it for myself and then Ill probably email them myself!

Im prob goin to stay up to watch it im usually up that late anyway :d

give us a bell if u want me to recorrrrrrrrrrrd it 4 ya hunni

altho it b onli on video lol dvd dont recorrrrrrrrrrrd no more :( xx
Well ive set it to record on HDD on my dvd recorder today so i cant forget it lol!! if it dont work someone is sending it to me :P :rotfl:
They're now claiming to me "misrepresented" ... safety.php

How can channel 4 misrepresent utter filth? Yes perhaps they can make it appear that they drink and smoke more than they do but the state of the living conditions? The daughter attempting suicide, oh come on!

Someone local has commented that the father hangs out of the window and doors shouting abuse at local kids and they're not surprised he's having paint thrown at his house. This was BEFORE the documentary was shown so I dont think channel 4 have entirely misrepresented the family eh?
that woman needs sterilising and those kids given a childhood :x

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