Hi, this is my first post - so sorry if it is in the wrong box or something!!!

Found out I was pg last friday. I am so mad with myself for not being able to stop smoking. Just been crying at the drs surgery like a pratt - but I just can't do it - every time I have one I kick myself for doing it, which stresses me out, so then carry on smoking. Losing battle.

me and my hubby were trying for one - didnt expect it to happen this quick though - or I would of prepared myself a bit more - and cut down on the wine (which I really really miss!!!) Bet you all think I sound a right selfish so and so' but just being honest I guess!

You all seem a good bunch on here though - and this keeps me off the cigs - even for an hour must be good?!

I have to say that smoking can be easy for ones and difficult for others. I do not beleive in the fact that because you are pregnant, suddenly the will of smoking disappears. It did for the 2 weeks I was feeling sick but after that, I deeply enjoyed smoking. Having quite a lot of prolems happening at the same time, that kept me going.

Now my answer to Lou. Well done if you managed to stop smoking even before finding out you were pregnant! I think everybody knows that smoking during pregnancy, at any stage, is harmful for your baby but it is better to stop smoking even if it is late than none at all. I might sound harsh but lately my hormones have been playing up and i get moody very easily.

I started this post to provide support to each other and I think this is unfair that people can post messages saying you should have stopped before. Everybody lives different lives and everybody has different reasons for their action. the purpose of this post is to support each other at any stage of the pregnancy because giving up is the most important thing,no matter when.

I have to say I am finding it difficult. I have stopped for more than 3 weeks but my boyfriend is still smoking around me, does not want to smoke outside so I am finding it difficult to resist but i do for the sake of the baby. Now maybe people are going to tell me I should be outside each time he has a fag otherwise I would be responsible for the bad health of my baby. I dream now every night I am having a fag and even in my dreams I resist but everyday I am finding it harder and harder.
I envy people who can stop without any withdrawal bit, that is great but do not put the blame on other people who can find it difficult to stop.
Anyway, you will see with this post I do suffer from withdrawals due to my lovely mood :D

Sorry if I have offended anybody but could people please understand that we need support, real support and nothing else.

Sami, you know I wish you good luck, you never know, you might find it as easy as Lou !!!! My midwife told me than even smoking at 3 weeks before birth was better than not quitting at all so do not worry too much. I know plenty of people who smoked all the way through their pregnancy and had perfectly healthy babies with no problems at all while others who never smoked had asthma etc..... Stopping smoking gives a better chance for the baby that is why I am giving up but do not stress too much about the date of quitting, it is when you feel ready. Make sure you contact a stop smoking organisation if you want help.

Really sorry if this post sounds harsh.

Your post was very well put!!!

Take care
Natalie x

sorry if I sound sad writing to myself and congratulating myself for my progress but it is nice to see that now i do not need any physical help with the stopping smoking.
i still have those dreams and sometimes this little voice telling me to have a fag but it starts slowly to disappear. I have stopped almost 2 months ago, hopefully it will last.

Sami, how is it going?
Well i planned to stop smokin from the day i found out, i still have not, still find myself havin sneaky fags, no where near as much as before. I feel so guilty wen i lite up a fag, and think everyone one is lookin at me judgin me because i am smoking and thinking that she is gonna be a bad mum, even tho u cant tell im pg.

I talked to the doctor wen i had my first apointment for my scan. They sed that yes maybe a shud try to quit but if i feel the need to have a fag cos im stressed than carry on. They sed they would not normally recomend this, but becuase of my history of depression, and suddenly bein takin of all my medication wen findin out i was preg, she sed se wuld rather me a have a fag now and agin than be on a load of medication and be stressed and deressed, as it can do just as much damage.

I know it sunds like im makin excuses but i really wanna quit i eny u all that quit so easily, and i symathise with u lot who are strugglin. Im findin it difficult.

bec x
Boo boo - I am actually still smoking too and spoke to my doctor about this when I went in during the week. I was told exactly the same as you - I've had a lot of things going on in my life recently, stress etc, which could bring back on my depression, and as I have come off my tablets I could damage the baby more if I stressed more. If having a fag relaxes me then I shoud have a fag. I want to quit so bad, as like you, I feel so damn guilty. Friends of ours are already looking down there noses at me. :roll:

But if you feel you can't quit yet - don't stress yourself about it hun. I've tried to stop stressing and smoke about 5 a day up to 10 a day at max - compared to 30 a day this is a big drop! I keep myself out of smoking situations as much as I can but it is hard when I have and OH who smokes and I live with MIL who also smokes.

This is probably the hrdest thing I've ever had to do.
Hi guys

Just wanted to post again to give you some encouragement! I wasn't offended by your post futuremum, I think its great that you speak up and voice your opinions and I do appreciate that not everyone is the same as me.

I really hope you are all doing well kicking the habit. I found that lots of deep breathing and sips of water really helped me when I had cravings.

Would love to know how you are all getting on.

speak soon

Lou :)
Hey sami, glad im not the only one, i feel like people arre forever judgin me and lookin down on me because i smoke. As much as i would love to i dont think i will, like u sami i have cut down a lot, which i am proud of. and i know some people are thinkin well jus do it then, and stop usin problems as an escuse to ur smokin, but i truly believe that if understood some of my problems that i have experienced, u would much rather me smoke.

Good luck to everybody eles quitin, or those who have already quited.

bec x x
I feel the same boo boo - if you ever need a chat though - just PM me.

Good luck with everything, and if you carry on smoking till the end - don't feel guilty, it's your body, your baby, your choice :) x
I'm still smoking at nearly 12 weeks and I know I should stop, but it's not easy living with a partner who refuses point blank to quit.

He has said that he'll try not to smoke around me if I quit, but the flat isn't big enough for him to go anywhere that I won't smell smoke and - as it's not just fags (ahem) - he won't smoke o/side in the communal garden...

People do tell me off now and then, but my mum smoked through both of her pregnancies and I'm fine - apart from the addiction obviously ;o) With a couple of friends - who have always bugged me about smoking - I pointed out that stressing out a mother-to-be wasn't really a great idea and they backed off.

It's easy for people to get kind of 'holier than thou' about the smoking issue. Do what you can and look after yourself.

I wanted to say that although my partner smokes, I have not find it that much more difficult to stop smoking. Of course sometimes I am thinking I could have one but with the weeks on, I tend not to pay any attention to it anymore. And sometimes, it helps. when I had a craving, I would just put my head on his chest and breathe his smoke, that did help a bit. but whatever you decide to do, never go cold turkey!!!!
I would never have thought I would stop smoking. the first 3 months I haven't because I did not know if I was going to keep the baby because of my relationship with my b/f. I thought I could not confront my decision without smoking. when I decided to keep the baby and I saw my baby on the scan, i thought I will give it a go. At first, when I had an argument, i wanted to rush and have a fag but now it is better, I still have that reaction to go for a fag but it has become less and less strong. And as far as arguments and crying are concerned, they are far from being over, it is getting worse each time. But it is true when they say you do not need a fag to calm you down, this is just addiction.
At the moment, i am thinking of smoking again after the birth but that will be a shame if I managed for 6 months. the thing is that my b/f might still smokes inside once the baby is born and that annoys me a lot.
It is all so different for each person. Stopping smoking is a frightening thing and you think you cannot do without it. It is a shame I have lost a poem that I had at my stop-smoking session, if I can find it i will post it.
As I said previously in my post, there are plenty of people who smoke during their pregnancy(22%) and their babies are just fine but if you really want to stop smoking, go and talk to someone of an organisation who will determine the best plan for you.

good luck to you all,

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