Stomach rumbling and hunger pains during and after eating.


Sep 22, 2008
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I am 8 + 2 weeks and for the past couple of days I have been incessantly hungry...I feel starving when I am eating and starving when I have finished eating. I know you are only supposed to eat 300 extra calories a day (and I'm sure that's after the first trimester)...if I gave into my hunger pangs all the time I would be eating oodles of calories :shock:

I am trying to ignore the hunger but it makes me feel sicker, eventually and then I give in and have yet another snack.

I know we are told to eat small meals/snacks often but a snack for me at the moment is like throwing food into a big black hole!! I have to eat a 'meal' in order to feel somewhat satisfied.

Does anyone else have this problem? I'm so scared of mad mad weight gain if I carry on eating like this.

I've tried healthy and unhealthy snacks btw... neither satisfies me. I ate packs of cakes when I pregnant with my daughter (that was 8 years ago) and that made me feel better...trying not to go down that road!!

kia606 xxx
its hard to know because although you dont want to over eat.. if your stomach is telling you to feed it, maybe you should just try and eat until your satisfied a bit at least? :think:
I stuff myself to full point and then an hour later im starving again! does my head in! :lol:
I went through a few weeks of feeling like this and it was not a nice feeling. I think the only thing you can do is to eat. I think at this point in the pregnancy if your body is telling you to eat then that's what you should do especially if not eating is making you feel sick. It should tail off the further along you get.

Try eating things that aren't too high in calories but are good "fillers". Oh and try not to worry either, I haven't put on too much weight and I ate like a pig for a good few weeks in first tri!!
Id just go with what your body is telling you to do hunny, it knows what its doing and is doing it for a reason. If your worried about excess calories fill up on more healthy filling foods like pastas and bread and lots of fruit and veg (boring I know) but if you are really craving the cakes then go get some girlie!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: You have a good excuse the baby needs it :rotfl:
I've been completely like this for weeks now, it's horrible. But I can only ditto the above, just keep eating but try and keep it healthy-ish but satisfying; I'm eating big jacket potatoes, seedy toast with laughing cow spread, big glasses of milk, smoothies, plus I have a constant supply of nectarines, bananas and tons of grapes etc on my desk (I'm not normally a big fruit eater but I find it stops me feeling too tired/sluggish). Little and often doesn't touch the sides, it's big and constant for me!

For a bit of indulgence I can recommend going to an 'all-you-can-eat' buffet restaurant! Persuaded my OH to go to a thai one last night and for the first time in ages I actually felt satisfied! :lol:
I go from one day not being hungry at all to starving constantly the next day!!
Thanks to everyone who replied to has really helped.

The general message is EAT!!! ...and that's what I've been doing. There's nothing worse than that horrible sicky feeling when you are denying yourself food.

On saying that...that horrible taste in your mouth after eating doesn't help.... it sometimes puts me off eating when my mouth has rebalanced itself and actually tastes half decent! Finding it hard to have milk....leaves a hideous taste in my mouth.

Anyway I'm going by the logic that the food must be needed if I'm so damn hungry....and you put on weight when you eat when your not hungry. Hmmm! We shall see..... :think:

kia606 xxx
I am Pregnant and about 14 weeks. I wake up at night in hunger pain and cry because no matter what I eat I am still hungry yet I have no appetite. I can eat a bowl of pasta and my stomach does not register. I have two theories.... acid reflux or Candida infection. Candida creates a feeling of hunger because you can not absorb nutrients. Pregnant women a prone to this infection due to lowered immunity. Acid reflux should be cured with a simple antacid like Mylanta but it seems to not be working.

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