Stomach pains....

With you did they try the external first then if they couldn't see they tried the internal? Yes the Doctor told me to go with a full bladder. Thanks xx
They did an external the first time, when I as only 4+5 (not sure why as there was no chance they were going to see anything that early) and then did an internal but still didn't see anything. The second scan at 5+2 they just did an internal xx
Of course, no problem. Let us know how you get on on Monday xx
I told my GP about my pains Anne and was told that it's likely it's my body stretching and getting ready to accommodate baby and as long as there is no blood not to worry. They are becoming less frequent now though and easing up. I hope that your appointment goes well :) xx
Thanks Kelly, I think he referred me to EPU as I have a couple of medical issues before I conceived. Thanks for your help, how far are you now?? Xx
5+5, I hope everything goes ok for you. It is better to be safe :) xx
Thanks Kelly, were pretty similar due dates then xx
Hello ladies, I've had my scan today and I'm 5 + 4 weeks. The lady doing the ultra sound said she could see a sac and a yolk and it was in the right place. Then I was told I had to see the doctor after which worried me. The doctor said they couldn't see a heartbeat or a baby as I'm so early. I am now booked in for when I am 8 weeks. The appointment was very strange, they didn't want to reassure me that everything is ok. They just said its in the right place and I need another scan later on. They also said they don't normally scan that early. What is your opinions on my scan? Is what I'm going through normal?? Sorry about my terminology, I'm very new to this xx
Completely normal some people dont even see the yolk that early on try not to worry xx
Hey Anne, no advice as I haven't go a clue but really hope you're ok and everything is great at your next scan x
Thanks ladies!! The appointment was just so strange, they didn't reassure me or want to say much. Now it's worried me, if they had of said this looks very normal for 5 weeks I would of been happy. Thanks for he reassurance because I certainly didn't get any at the scan lol xx
Hope you're doing ok - just to add my experience, at 4 weeks I had very bad period-like pain that was likely the egg embedding in the uterus, apparently. I continued to have pains on and off in pelvis and groin, but I get the impression that it was my body starting to shift or expand or whatever it needed to do! Those pains were especially bad lying down at night. Apart from that, it seems that I get sort of bad period pains around the time when I would have normally had a period if I wasn't pregnant. I only figured this out the other day when I came home from work with horrible cramps and then thought to look at dates! Although I haven't actually confirmed that happens - anybody else have pain when they would've been on af?
As for midwife, I'd maybe go in and see if you can book for your 8 week appointment in advance so you know you have it set, that's what I did.

Hope that helps settle your mind a bit - it's a worrying time, do look after yourself and seek reassurance when needed ;-)
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Saw you had a scan and got booked for 8 weeks. Good! There were more posts made by the time I'd actually written mine lol x
Thanks yorkslass! I think it is similar to yours, mine is just AF cramps everyday but it is worse at night time/mornings when I've been sleeping. I thought it might be eptopic, but they have ruled that out so that's good xx
Hey :)
It's honestly good news that they could see the sac etc so early, especially at 5+ weeks, they usually say they can't see anything before 6, its also good they scanned you as i was bleeding at 5+3 during one of my pregnancies and they didn't scan me until 6 weeks (they did take bloods though).
I wouldn't worry about them not reassuring you, i think it depens a lot on the individual.. Some will be lovely and positive and others are very matter of fact.
It's also great news that everything is in the right place. If you said you were in pain, their main focus was probably ruling out ectopic which again could explain why they didn't elaborate generally. Good news overall hun :) xxx
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Thanks Lou! Yeah I was worried about eptopic and they said they've now ruled it out so it's great. So I think it's a very positive day after all. Thanks for all your comments and reassurances I feel so much better now. I was so confused and a bit disappointed earlier as they made me feel like I shouldn't be excited yet xx
All sounds great Anne, no need to worry xx
Thanks unicorn, did you get a photo of your early scan? I really want it to be printed off next time. I'm not sure if I'm allowed or not?? Xx

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