Stomach ache


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I have got stomach ache and keep feeling like i need a number two :oops: :oops: but I can't go. I feel sick and my lower backs hurting and I have had period ish pains as well this afternoon.

And now LO is poking his foot out and squriming like mad its making me feel :puke:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Maybe you're a bit constipated? I get bad cramps when I haven't been for a while
:oops: I went this morning - I think :think:

I feel like i'm going to have the runs :oops:
I'm beginning to wonder :think: i feel rough though not even sure if i could eat any tea this evening. Which is unlike me :shock:
maybe try and have a nap in case things do start to kick off later :hug: :hug:
I've just had a nap too this afternoon my mum and dad rudely awoke me aswell I forgot they were calling round. I had crease marks all down my face and could hardly get off the settee :rotfl: :rotfl:

I've just eaten a plate of carrots, mash and broccoli that might make me go.
It's weird i'm constipated but feel like i'm going to have the squits :oops:
:hug: not sure if its normal as ive had days like that too. hope it eases off for you.

marie x
:shock: weirdly I feel right as rain now!

Had some pains earlier on across tea time and felt like poo but they've stopped and i feel OK.

What's going on???
How are you feeling now Emma???
hope your toilet problems are better now
:hug: :hug: :hug:
sarah :wave:
Try to drink more water Emma, I have been suffering badly with a bit of constipation and ummm the dreaded piles. I'm finding that the constipation is a little better after drinking more water :wink:

Hope this helps :hug:

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