stinky question!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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I was wondering what everyone uses for the dirty nappies? I use a nappy pail and put the nappies in the nappy bag (obviously) and the bin still smells, I am convinced it is smelling out the room as well - although it could be just the smell up my nose!

SO, question is, is a nappy wrapper a good investment? I was reading in ask a mum that they are smelling peoples houses out but I would have though they would be better than a nappy pail?
I use normal bin and nappy scaks but put a vaccum air freahner in the bottom.
I've got a Tommy Tippee nappy bin which doesn't make my house smell, altho get a peg for your nose for when you are about to empty it!!!
I used to have a nappy wrapper for my girls but it was too much hassle. I just couldn't deal with that HUGE poo sausage which came out!

Now I just have nappy bags in an ordinary bin. Sam's changing table is on the top floor of our house (third level) and it gets really hot in there. I'm kind of used to the smell of baked poo these days!! :puke: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I use nappy sacks and take them straight out into the wheelie bin, then they dont lie around for ages.
M and poo :shakehead: :rotfl:

I use nappy bags into a standard bin which obviously has a lid on & open the window and air the room daily :D
i wrap each nappy in a nappy bag then put in a sainsburys bag then when i put millie to bed i take the bag of nappies outside 2 the wheelie bin. on the occasions when iv forgotten and left bag in the bedroom all nite, the room smells of poo lol!

I put pee diapers in the regular garbage since they take longer to stink and my garbage gets changed reularly but the poo ones go straight to the garbage bin outside.
I love my nappy wrapper........its Tommee TIppee so not sure if the ones that were smelling the room out were a different brand (but I'm not a lazy person btw...just so you know :wink: :lol: )
I empty it usually once every 2 days, if Libby does a particularly stinky poo I empty it the next time I'm going out.......we keep it in the bathroom which I think is better than keeping it in the bedroom, especially as our bathroom fan is constantly whirring (not on full but even on standby it whirring if you know what I mean?) so it deosn't stink at all.
I bleach it weekly, and then spray with dettol disinfectant spray (apple :D ) and its fine :lol:
I wouldn't be without it, and will use it when we move too, as main bathroom is on 2nd floor and thats where she'll be changed.....sorry....went off on one there :roll: :lol:
I've got the Tommee Tippee nappy wrapper too but I find the refills are so expensive and I get just as good a result with nappy bags. So I use the actual wrapper but not the wraps if that makes sense? I can fit more nappies in that way too. I keep it in the bathroom (we're in a bungalow) and empty it every 2 or 3 days and I very rarely smell it (except when OH doesn't shut the lid :roll: ).
jools221181 said:
jaydesmummy said:
leckershell said:
Gemma & Jake said:
EllieG said:
I use nappy sacks and take them straight out into the wheelie bin, then they dont lie around for ages.

Me too :D

Me 3 :D

Me 4 :D

Me 5 :rotfl: Apart from at night, I'll just take them downstairs and put next to the front door so I don't forget to put it out!

Me 6 :lol: throw them out the kitchen window where theres a little pile at the end of the day we scoop up and put them in the binbag.
Maybe I should consider doing that then :think:

Thanks for all your replies!
I use the tommy tippee nappy wrapper as well. I read loads of bad reviews about them but got one anyway cause we have an apt, and have universal bins, they get really full and over flowed by monday, so we would have to keep the dirty nappies in the apt till the outside bins were empty on a thurs and our apt gets really hot and we knew they would stink the place out in a nappy sack in a normal bin, plus its a treck to the bins every night otherwise and I tell you what, one of the best things I ever bought! I can never smell dirty nappys (unless im emptying it that is) and I only have to empty it about every 4 days. We got an offer from mothercare (they seem to do this offer all the time so if you get one just look arround for a bit first) nappy bin was £15 instead of £30 and they did 6 refills for £15 which worked out total cost of what we were supposed to pay just for the bin. Were only on the 4th or maybe 5th refil (deffo still one under the bed) so I dont think £15 every 6 months for a none smelly apt is bad ha ha. Oh and I dont find the sausage a problem when emptying as I get the big bin bag from main bin, cut and take the lid of nappy bin, tip nappy bin upside down in to main bin bag and the saussage just drops out, jobs a gud un!
thanks jw, forgot to ask, is it oran that has the car walker? Mothercare have recalled them - maybe it isn't you though!
missac said:
thanks jw, forgot to ask, is it oran that has the car walker? Mothercare have recalled them - maybe it isn't you though!

car walker? Nope just a Chicco DJ walker. Thanks for thinking of us though :wink:

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