Still waiting!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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:wave: Hi Ladies!

I joined this site a few weeks ago but haven't really written much.

I'm after a little bit of advice.

I came of the pill in December and had my usual 2 day 'pill' bleed from 15th to 17th December. Its now been 46 days and I still haven't had a 'real' AF!

I did a 3rd HPT 2 days ago and it was BFN so i'm now refusing to test anymore until AF has been and gone! lol

I was just wondering if you think I should go to the docs as soon as I can or do you think its worth waiting a little while longer? I'm hoping the majority of you say wait a bit longer because I hate doctors lol.

I'm not panicking at all because I know she'll show up eventually but i'm getting a wee bit impatient because this is our first time TTC and we can't get started! (well not properly anyway!) lol

Also do any of you think it's worth me starting on Agnus Castus? I already take Folic Acid and Evening primrose Oil.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! :)

Love & babydust!

Claire xx
I think the doctor wouls advise you to wait a bit longer if you did make an appointment anyway - it can take a few months for things to get back to normal. No harm in taking Agnus Castus :)

Hope you don't have to wait too much longer :hug:
Thanks alot!

I'm glad you said wait a bit longer because I only go to the doc's when I really have to and was hoping the next time I go i'll be pregnant and be happy for him/her to prod and poke me lol

I'll defo wait another weeks or so before making a decision about the doc's.

And I may give AC a go too! I'm already rattling with FA and EPO so 1 more wont hurt lol

Thanks again

I'm the same with going to doctors :lol:

Good luck :dust:
I would advise you wait abit longer , TTC takes time and effort :)

Lots of baby dust to you

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