still take folic acid?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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im still taking the folic acid my doctor prescribed me, im 14 weeks now should i still take it or take something else?it isnt pregnancare its called preconceive. just thought about this now!
I've started taking pregnacare plus, which seems quite good, but isn't cheap. I just thought it might be a bit better as has more vitamins as I haven't been very healthy recently food wise!

Thanx Hun il start getting that now it does sento have all the extra vitamins in which make us feel better if we've had junk food days like I have today! Xx
My doctor said to stop taking the folic acid at 12 weeks.

I've been taking just normal pregnacare.

I'm still taking my pregnacare every day despite the fact midwife said I don't need to :)
I want to breast-feed though so that's why I'm still taking it, will probably still take it when I'm breast-feeding too. xxx
I take the pregnacare plus, with the added omega tablet. Im not getting yellow pee anymore tho! I know that normlly means ur body is getting rid of excess vitamins... so not sure if these tablets are diffrrent to ther conception ones or whether itmy body telling me I really need them !
Don't know about the pre-conception ones, although I would guess that they are similar enough to pregnacare, anyway. I'm using up my box of pregnacare tablets (enough for about another week or so, I think), and then I will stop, as I eat quite healthily, anyway.
Thanx ladies I will get the pregnacare plus when I next go shopping and continue to take those for breast feeding! So will I need any supplements like vitamin c or d or anything? Midwife says asking as u have a healthy diet I should be fine but just like peace of mind x
they already have vit b and c in them gonna take them all the way thro too a i plan to breast feed
I'm still taking my Sanatogen mother to be and that has folic acid in it but it's no harm to take it all the way through, also has all the vitamins I need in it and is really easy on the tummy too :)
i got told to take the pregnacare tablets but the 1st day i took them i came over really really unwell.. so didnt take them anymore and am now worried that im not taking anything and like a couple of u said not eating the healthiest of diets, and wanting to breast feed.. im sure i still can tho but is there anything else i could consider taking? i got the pregnacare plus ones so not sure if the plus tablet was what made me feel ill. hhmm... xxxx
I'm still taking my Sanatogen mother to be and that has folic acid in it but it's no harm to take it all the way through, also has all the vitamins I need in it and is really easy on the tummy too :)

^^ me too :)
I'm still taking my Sanatogen mother to be and that has folic acid in it but it's no harm to take it all the way through, also has all the vitamins I need in it and is really easy on the tummy too :)

^^ me too :)

Thanks for that info girls, I will give that a try! I was taking pregnacare but within minutes of taking it, I was sick :( doc told me just to try folic acid, so did but got the same results :( so I haven't been taking anything although I have been eating healthy.
I still take a pregnancy multivitamin and plan to even after birth. :)
There are loads of different mother to be tablets you can take, I take some I bought from asda designed from pregnant - hey they were cheap! lmao
Yes me too midwife said
To keep taking them and pregnacare plus is good too so will keep taking til told otherwise! X
Feel like a proper cheapskate after reading this thread - all pregnancare and then there is me with me asdas own :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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