Still no af day 47


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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BFN I am normally 21 days. Does anyone know any reason to stop my af other than getting stressed about not being pregnant? I am def not preg and my doc agrees getting really really fed up now just dont know whats going on am getting really upset
bless you :hug: i was on day 84 when i got my BFP with jacob, so there is hope yet. my underactive throid slowed down my cycles xx
so you tested bfn right up til day 84? do you remember when you ov'd? Havent bd'd since I think I last ovd and its been weeks as im fed up. Maybe you ovd late then do you think? then so I could always just still keep an eye on ewcm and bd then do you think?
I O'd late. I think it was day 72 when i eventually O'd. I just BD'd every other day until i got my BFP, it was hard work but well worth it. xx
Hey hun,

HUGE :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I haven't got any advice to add to what Toonlass has said.

Just wanted you to know I read and I'm thinking of you

x x x x
There aren't always any straightforward reasons hun :hug: I'm on day 200 and something. Still no AF.

Who know's why our body's decide to be so awkward :-( xx
Thanks so much ladies feeling a bit better today and toonlass you have made me feel loads better. My poor oh is not guna know whats going on is he ha ha one minute nothing and then next thing it will be every other day ha ha thanks so much youve all cheered me up xxx
I have to say i missed my periods for two months and there doesnt seem to have been a reason, i dont "think" i was stressed? but my doc spoke to me that if i missed another month i could have a jump start pill.. Hope things sort themselves out i know how stressfull it can be. xxxxx
Thanks for that I will ask if it goes on for 3 mnths then and see what she says. Feel a bit flat again I dont want to bd at the moment feel a bit rubbish never mind I will feel better in a couple of days and nothing stays the same does it it will pass xxx
Thanks for that I will ask if it goes on for 3 mnths then and see what she says. Feel a bit flat again I dont want to bd at the moment feel a bit rubbish never mind I will feel better in a couple of days and nothing stays the same does it it will pass xxx


It will pass hunni

x x x x
This thread is good to hear havent had af since stopping pill in june :( its so fustrating. x

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