still here:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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well i was in right pain with contractions and backache last night hardly slept a wink and they have died down to little niggles again:( my bf will be gutted he was expecting a phone call at work today lol bless him
Go for a long walk hunny that might help move things along :D
nah it wont be, cant stay in here forever. lil bubs gotta cum out soon
Have a good old bit of rumpy pumpy tonight hun :wink:
well i have just been round our local shopping centre with my dad, a woman asked me when i was due and when i told her today she moved back and looked at my dad funny lol i dont know what she was thinking
go shopping tomorrow littlelady and go into mothercare and marks and spencers over and over again. If your waters break you get a baby hamper :cheer:
littlelady87 said:
well i have just been round our local shopping centre with my dad, a woman asked me when i was due and when i told her today she moved back and looked at my dad funny lol i dont know what she was thinking

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I hope it'll be me!!! If it isn't here by Sunday I'm being induced, and after the horror stories I've heard I really don't want that to happen. I'm doing all I can think of to persuade it to come along naturally, but time is running out!
Cloughie said:
I hope it'll be me!!! If it isn't here by Sunday I'm being induced, and after the horror stories I've heard I really don't want that to happen. I'm doing all I can think of to persuade it to come along naturally, but time is running out!

Are they not gonna let you go over at all hun xx
nikki1306 said:
Cloughie said:
I hope it'll be me!!! If it isn't here by Sunday I'm being induced, and after the horror stories I've heard I really don't want that to happen. I'm doing all I can think of to persuade it to come along naturally, but time is running out!

Are they not gonna let you go over at all hun xx
No, my platelet levels in my blood are dropping rapidly, which can be a danger to both the baby and me, apparently, so they said if I haven't had it early they will induce me on my due date.
Cloughie said:
nikki1306 said:
Cloughie said:
I hope it'll be me!!! If it isn't here by Sunday I'm being induced, and after the horror stories I've heard I really don't want that to happen. I'm doing all I can think of to persuade it to come along naturally, but time is running out!

Are they not gonna let you go over at all hun xx
No, my platelet levels in my blood are dropping rapidly, which can be a danger to both the baby and me, apparently, so they said if I haven't had it early they will induce me on my due date.

Let's hope your little one comes soon then :hug: xx

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