Still here...due tomorrow ;)

Natural mamma

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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The baby is still very comfy and has been ignoring my best efforts to evict it.
My cervix is ripe so on thursday night tried 15ml of castor started some contractions which just stopped.....Paris got excited and filled the pool.
So as the poool was filled we tried another 15ml on friday...this just made me fart TMI .....and have a few contractions....but during one of them i felt a trickle.
So i put a pad on....nothing else but normal discharge. So then yesterday we tried 45ml....this led to a stink trailing TMI again lmao (it was very funny) behind me and more leakage......
So i rang the midwife who said the leakage is my show as its not constant trickle.....relief as they would induce if it was my waters had gone.
So i am now just relaxing doing the house work and accepting baby will come when its ready....

Funny thing is the castor oil did not give me the shits....or cramps....just wind :oops: and contractions........which stopped :rotfl: bugger.....Any way i wonder who will be next......... :cheer:
Awww naughty baby!! Have you been trying anything else other than caster oil?
come on natural mamma I bet you were going to be the next one to pop! :D
Fluffy Bunny
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 13:41 pm Post subject:
come on natural mamma I bet you were going to be the next one to pop!

I thought i'd start the eviction process early this time since i always go way over due :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Will try again to evict next week..... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i wonder why your lo isnt born yet, being your fifth i thought it might fly out :rotfl:

Is it hereditary in your family overdue babies?
No actually don't know about grandmothers...(i know they all have big babies) but my mum had me and my sister early and we were still over 7lb...

Just me i guess....ho hum :think:
Im aure it will too hun, maybe the baby will be born within a couple of hours to make up for it keeping you waiti ng right till last minute :D
Hope baby doesnt keep you waiting to much longer. :pray:
Happy due date Natural Mamma
hope everything is ok an your bubba arrives soon
:hug: :hug:
Lol Sarah :hug:

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